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CVfunk #797

Open codygeary opened 3 months ago

codygeary commented 3 months ago

Repository: Version: 2.0.1 Hash: b8dea7fa62318b5f27af288bbdb01cc49979c662

Hi this is my first VCV Rack plugin. The modules all cross-compile with git actions, so hopefully there will be no issues, you can find the latest builds here:

I have created six different modules: Steps Envelope Array Penta Sequencer Impulse Controller Signals Ranges

Please let me know if I missed any important steps!

cschol commented 3 months ago

Binaries added to repository:

codygeary commented 3 months ago

I deleted the whole repo and posted the files again under the same repo name so hopefully links will still work. I used a .gitignore as my first commit. However, I had to put the plugin.dylib back into the repo or the plugin won't compile for others and the gitactions won't run correctly. Did I do this right? It is so horribly confusing. I don't really want to mess around with Github. 85ce1af248f8ee3ec1a3b162bda90b8a6cedfa92

codygeary commented 3 months ago

Minor update. I found I needed to reduce CPU waste a bit more. Also, removed plugin.dylib, as this was not the problem with my gitaction not working. Sorry to make changes, here is the new repo hash: 642ee353c60d00ad49517f95514fbe4e8f22356a

codygeary commented 3 months ago

Hi again, I fixed some pretty big bugs. Better to fix them now before the release. So sorry for yet another hash/notification. As you can see I'm super excited about VCV :-)

Major Updates: 1-Removed simd from Envelope Array, and added output interpolation. Minor panel layout changes. 2-Fixed sample rate issues with Impulse Controller so it works the same under different sample rates, added output interpolation. Adjusted parameters to make the module more responsive. 3-Added new LFO module Hex Mod. Added context menu options to disable blinking lights for sensitive eyes. 4-Update Manual PDF file and readme images.

Hash: 8e7e772b25f571b1322fe2020baff8a01c401815

codygeary commented 3 months ago

Ack. I made a mistake declaring my dsp::timer globally in the HexMod module. Fixed in this update. Sorry about that, I really thought I got everything major in the last fix.

Hash: e30c5b487dd1bb39d63bbfabdf7bf5238c702543

codygeary commented 2 months ago

Since the last, I added 2 more modules: Collatz - a polyrhythmic trigger sequencer Strings - a guitar chord generator

Also, some minor edits to the other modules. edit: Fix text color on panel, fixed trigger sensitivities. Chords no longer outputs -10V, instead it outputs root for muted strings. Set display font color to match modules.

Hash: 704482fea736dda199b5eef49dba2332f995f901

codygeary commented 2 months ago

I added an LFO module called Magnets.

edit: added updates to HexMod and Magnets. HexMod now remembers its timing when patch loads. Magnets gets a reset button and a context menu option for voltage range. Happy Easter :-)

Hash: 2e4da28a516c44c772b417f18e28cb4a555b9c42

cschol commented 2 months ago

Your plugin has been integrated and will be available for all supported platforms with the next Plugin Manager update. Please let us know in this issue when a new version is available. We will reopen it. Thank you for providing your plugin to the Rack community.

codygeary commented 2 months ago

Oh, wait can you squeeze in this last minute repair. It basically addresses what the users have been asking for with with Strings module with regards to being able to sequence it.


codygeary commented 2 months ago

Sorry to reopen again so soon. A Linux64 user found that my Collatz module had some divide by zero errors that caused core dump crash (and this doesn't crash for systems like ARM, so I didn't notice in testing!). These have now been fixed, and I decided it's probably a good idea to post it here as fast as possible since the bug could cause crashes on Linux.

Thanks again for developing such a cool synth ecosystem! It's amazing to have my modules in the library. I apologize for having such a bad bug slip through.

I updated the version to 2.0.2: 593343828b5528212ebc7b604844c011a0a22ffc

cschol commented 2 months ago

Uninitialized variable:

codygeary commented 2 months ago

Thank you for finding that uninitialized var bug! I fixed it.

Also, I fixed a bunch of other little things while I was at it. Some users commented HexMod wasn't syncing to clocks in a good way, and that had to be fixed. Other users wanted my HexMod to go audio rate... -reduce CPU usage of Strings, reduce frequency of display updates. -fix font color bug in Strings when changing dark/light mode. -added audio rate abilities to HexMod, performance enhancements, fixed the clock syncing function so it defaults to sync the phase too. -made the Node transitions smoother in HexMod -other audio-rate enhancements for HexMod, so it transitions smoothly, and behaves nicely when NODE is self-patched to an output.

Hash: 9829130ab972ff4a0c0b1467580bf04b9efcd7b2

codygeary commented 2 months ago

Update to version 2.0.3

Added new module Ouros stereo phase injection oscillator, and presets. Code cleanup on some modules. Fixed phase reset normalization and other minor issues on HexMod Reduced display refresh rate for Collatz to save CPU. Minor panel updates edit: forgot to add the makefile with new path to presets edit2: Windows10 users reported issue with Penta Sequencer crashing. Likely a problem with nullptr dereferencing. I removed nullpointer from the process and defined arrays before the process instead, fixed.

Hash: cfafceb1c2b0b64b496d3118972b3330460290ab

codygeary commented 1 month ago

Update to CVfunk 2.0.4 Adding Pressed Duck, a ducking compressing saturating stereo mixer with 1st order ADAA.

Panel updates, size reduction, CPU improvements.

Hash: d0abf0ea9c7847f61cc280a18c3d01ad4e0b5100

codygeary commented 1 month ago

CV funk Version 2.0.5 Added Flower Patch visualizer module.

Fixed stereo normal on Pressed Duck sidechain input. Added full-stereo processing of compression to Pressed Duck. Added stereo lights to all ring lights of Pressed Duck. Panel update to PentaSequencer edit: Moved graphics to self-illuminating layers. Cool!

Hash: 49a1b695db62cc93a9aa0a84a01dd00fd63ccb34

codygeary commented 2 weeks ago

CV funk version 2.0.6 New module: Syncro - 8 Channel clock ratio generator. Self-Illuminating layers on all modules Steps - added attenuvertors, display bug patch Signals - refactored the display code. Smoother operation. Other minor updates


codygeary commented 1 week ago

CV funk version 2.0.7 Three new modules: Nona- CV scale and offset mixer Decima - 10-step gate sequencer Morta - macro-controller knob

Hash: 37d6a2ac4562a266474aab47ff4b490ddd7dfc64