Some features need to be moved from Visibility Plug-In :
[ ] AABB. The code of this feature is already in src/libcitygml/utils/AABB.hpp. Therefore, we only need to move the button "RebuildAABBs" of Visibility Plugin to a menu of MainWindow (maybe in the tab "Tools").
Note: The build of Building and Building Parts AABBs is already located in this tools tab, maybe we can group it with build AABB once it has been moved from Visibility plugin.
[ ] Move Alignement Tree Generation, Lidar to CityGML, Extrude Shp and Flat Roof Detection (code to filters and interface buttons to "Tools" tab of MainWindow maybe ?).
[ ] Remove the cascade computation features (code and interface buttons) from visibility plugin as it can be done using simple visibility analyses. Part of interface to remove :
[ ] Remove Basic Analysis button for the same reason as above but keep the associated code for debugging purposes.
Issue by jailln Tuesday Jul 26, 2016 at 15:37 GMT Originally opened as
Some features need to be moved from Visibility Plug-In :
. Therefore, we only need to move the button "RebuildAABBs" of Visibility Plugin to a menu of MainWindow (maybe in the tab "Tools"). Note: The build of Building and Building Parts AABBs is already located in this tools tab, maybe we can group it with build AABB once it has been moved from Visibility plugin.