VCityTeam / 3DUSE

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Realize the 3DUse (open) vs 3DUse-Extensions repository split #8

Open EricBoix opened 7 years ago

EricBoix commented 7 years ago

Issue by frogsapo Friday Jan 13, 2017 at 10:29 GMT Originally opened as


a part of 3DUse current code (3DUse-core) will be diffused with an LGPL (open source) license. Yet another part of the code (including all the extensions) shall remain private (and not publicly diffused). This separation will impact on the software itself (proper headers with ownership /license mentions) but also on the engineering tools (versioning, building scripts, packaging scripts, continuous integration...) as know deployed. Realize this split and deal with its software engineering consequences.


Technical notes concerning git subtree, git submodule and other alternatives...
