VCityTeam / py3dtilers

Tilers accepting various input formats (OBJ, 3DCity databases, GeoJson, IFC) and producing 3DTiles tilesets.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Create hierarchy from multi LoDs OBJ models #177

Closed LorenzoMarnat closed 1 year ago

LorenzoMarnat commented 1 year ago

--as_lods allows to create a tileset from several OBJ files, where the first file is the least detailled model and the last file the most detailled. It will create a refinement hierarchy from the least detailled model to the most detailled model.

In this example, model_0.obj is the least detailled model:

obj-tiler -i model_0.obj model_1.obj model_2.obj --as_lods --geometric_error 1 4 8

If OBJ files are in the correct order in the folder:

obj-tiler -i <path>\objs\ --as_lods --geometric_error 1 4 8