VCityTeam / py3dtilers

Tilers accepting various input formats (OBJ, 3DCity databases, GeoJson, IFC) and producing 3DTiles tilesets.
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Reduce computation time of Tilers when adding textures #42

Closed LorenzoMarnat closed 2 years ago

LorenzoMarnat commented 2 years ago

Adding textures to the 3DTiles with CityTiler multiply the computation by x50.

LorenzoMarnat commented 2 years ago

This PR reduces the computation time of textured 3DTiles by querying the images only once per tile. We used to query the images for each surface.

LorenzoMarnat commented 2 years ago

Python standard module cProfile allows to profile Python code.

In code

Import modules:

import cProfile
import pstats

Profile the code between enable() and disable():

cp = cProfile.Profile()
cp.enable()  # Start profiling

# code here

cp.disable()  # Stop profiling
p = pstats.Stats(cp)
p.sort_stats('tottime').print_stats()  # Sort stats by time and print them

In command line

cProfile can be run in the shell with:

python -m cProfile

Results with CityTiler

Command (cProfile used directly in code):

citygml-tiler --db_config_path py3dtilers/CityTiler/CityTilerDBConfig.yml --type water --with_texture > log.txt

10 first lines of stats:

6046598 function calls (4748843 primitive calls) in 65.330 seconds

   Ordered by: internal time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
     1195   27.187    0.023   27.187    0.023 {method 'encode' of 'ImagingEncoder' objects}
     1863   11.867    0.006   11.867    0.006 {method 'decode' of 'ImagingDecoder' objects}
1237415/3170    7.818    0.000   13.338    0.004 /mnt/c/Users/lmarn/Documents/GitHub/py3dtilers/py3dtilers/Texture/
  1244871    2.176    0.000    2.176    0.000 /mnt/c/Users/lmarn/Documents/GitHub/py3dtilers/py3dtilers/Texture/
       39    1.452    0.037    1.453    0.037 {function NamedTupleCursor.execute at 0x7f54378e5550}
   305759    1.101    0.000    1.622    0.000 /mnt/c/Users/lmarn/Documents/GitHub/py3dtilers/py3dtilers/Texture/
   626385    1.062    0.000    1.062    0.000 /mnt/c/Users/lmarn/Documents/GitHub/py3dtilers/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/PIL/
   302597    1.056    0.000    1.564    0.000 /mnt/c/Users/lmarn/Documents/GitHub/py3dtilers/py3dtilers/Texture/
    63720    0.630    0.000    1.296    0.000 /mnt/c/Users/lmarn/Documents/GitHub/py3dtilers/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/numpy/core/
    31860    0.586    0.000    2.248    0.000 /mnt/c/Users/lmarn/Documents/GitHub/py3dtilers/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/numpy/core/

When adding textures to 3DTiles, most of time is taken by Pillow encoding/decoding

LorenzoMarnat commented 2 years ago

According to this Pillow's issue, changing the compression level when saving images allows to reduce computation time. + '/tiles/ATLAS_' + str(tile_number) + '.png', compress_level=3)
Compress level Computation time (s) Atlas size (mo)
6 68.65 76.0
3 60.90 77.0
1 49.45 89.4
jailln commented 2 years ago

Is it a lossy or a lossless compression ? Maybe it could be a parameter offered by py3dtiles with a default value ?

LorenzoMarnat commented 2 years ago

Pillow uses the lossless data compression library zlib to compress images

LorenzoMarnat commented 2 years ago

Pillow image compression will be handled with the compression issue. Closing