Open API for distributed journey planning. CEN/TS 17118:2017.
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Conformance table to Transmodel #185

Closed ue71603 closed 2 months ago

ue71603 commented 2 years ago


The actual mapping table: https://vdvde.sharepoint.com/sites/CENTC278WG3SG8OJP/Freigegebene%20Dokumente/General/mapping_OJP1.1_Transmodel/Mapping_OJP_TRANSMODEL.xlsx?web=1

André will do the rest of the tables, once work started.

ue71603 commented 2 years ago

In check with Christophe and Stefan

ue71603 commented 2 years ago

Availability and Fare when first check by Stefan de Konink is done.

ue71603 commented 2 years ago

Stefan is doing the checking.

ue71603 commented 1 year ago

@skinkie How do we proceed?

ue71603 commented 2 months ago
