Open API for distributed journey planning. CEN/TS 17118:2017.
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Added Attributes to LegBoard, LegAligt und LegIntermediate #406

Closed ue71603 closed 9 months ago

ue71603 commented 10 months ago

and improved example to show it.

We have on LegStart and LegEnd attributes we currently don't have them on LegBoard, LegAlight and LegIntermediate

ue71603 commented 9 months ago

@herlitze @normanoffel without comment from you until tomorrow, @skinkie will merge it tomorrow.

herlitze commented 9 months ago

Do I see it correctly that the attributes always occur in parallel with a StopCallStatusGroup and there is no use of a StopCallStatusGroup that should not be extended? If yes, what speaks against extending the StopCallStatusGroup with the attributes?

ue71603 commented 9 months ago

Do I see it correctly that the attributes always occur in parallel with a StopCallStatusGroup and there is no use of a StopCallStatusGroup that should not be extended? If yes, what speaks against extending the StopCallStatusGroup with the attributes?

@herlitze Shold I put the Attribute into the CallStatusGroup? Can do that

herlitze commented 9 months ago

Do I see it correctly that the attributes always occur in parallel with a StopCallStatusGroup and there is no use of a StopCallStatusGroup that should not be extended? If yes, what speaks against extending the StopCallStatusGroup with the attributes?

@herlitze Shold I put the Attribute into the CallStatusGroup? Can do that

Yes, I see no reason against it.

ue71603 commented 9 months ago

Do I see it correctly that the attributes always occur in parallel with a StopCallStatusGroup and there is no use of a StopCallStatusGroup that should not be extended? If yes, what speaks against extending the StopCallStatusGroup with the attributes?

@herlitze Shold I put the Attribute into the CallStatusGroup? Can do that

Yes, I see no reason against it.
