Open API for distributed journey planning. CEN/TS 17118:2017.
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Create Fare_example_with_park_and_ride.xml #414

Closed ue71603 closed 9 months ago

ue71603 commented 9 months ago

I face the following problems:

  1. The StopFareRequest I have no idea, what it should do This is not clear from the Request nor the Response. Is it really only to tell in which tariff zone it lays. I guess then we should update the definition. image

  2. StaticFareRequest is very weak. What are the real world applications?


  1. I want to add a request for the park&ride tariff. I can't do that. Even when it is in the trip as soon as #379 is done, We still lack the amount of time that we will be there (or sometimes only days can be booked). Should I add this as an additional part of the TripFareRequest Structure? Or only in the MultiTripFareRequest (I prefer the second).

  2. If I need to use carTransportRail, then I should be able to not only add traveler, but also AccessMode in the params. I pay per car / truck and not by traveller.

Should I add this?

  1. When I do 4 I can also allow for cargo transport. Should we explore in this direction?
Aurige commented 9 months ago

Just as an input, we have a Parking Profile in France (http://www.normes-donnees-tc.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/NF_Profil-NeTEx-pour-les-ParkingsF-v1.2a.pdf ) that includes Parking Fare (see 6.2.4 and associated example). But P+R is a combined fare (Parking+PT) and a lot of different variants exist (the parking sometimes require a PT ticket, sometime a season ticket only, sometimes only a reserved area with no real control, sometime you need to buy a dedicated PT+Parking ticket ... and the offer also varies depending on the type of parking: i.e. a parking for daily commuter, or a parking for tourists to avoid having too many cars in the city, etc. ...). So, as always for fares, that is not an easy topic. Why not just referring fare products, expected to be defined in a NeTEx flow, in order to avoid bringing too much complexity in OJP ?

ue71603 commented 9 months ago

I will think some more about this. Copying from NeTEx we can't do that easily. The whole inheritance tree is different and based on SIRI. E.g. DataManagedObject and all it implies is missing.

The reason I ask, we are currently building an OJPFare pricing service for Switzerland. And park&ride is part of the things NOVA can offer. But we can't trigger it with the OJPFareRequest. We can tell there is a P&R in TripResult and we can tell, that we assume it is used. But still: Additional information like: how long it will stay there and if some kind of reduction applies is not set.

@Aurige Also: can you pls give your feedback to question 5 & 6 as well?

Aurige commented 9 months ago

For 5/ I'm not sure what info you are looking for: if you put your car in the train you will have dedicated FARE PRODUCTs... Either a FARE PRODUCT combining everything (typically, you stay in your car, with your passenger, and buy a "global" ticket), either the car (or other vehicles) has a specific FARE PRODUCT (in the same or even e different train), then you buy a FP per passenger and an additional one for your vehicle.

Aurige commented 9 months ago

For 6/ Cargo transport (freight) is not in the scope of NeTEx, nor in the one of WG3 ... unless you have a strong use case for it, I would refrain from opening that door !

ue71603 commented 9 months ago

For 6/ Cargo transport (freight) is not in the scope of NeTEx, nor in the one of WG3 ... unless you have a strong use case for it, I would refrain from opening that door !

@Aurige For rail there is one use case: There are service compartements in Swiss trains that are used for some special cargo. We would need that in the formation (and the deck plan). Was this forseen in the Transmodel deck plans?

For pooling / taxi: I think this is not covered by any other standard, is it?

ue71603 commented 9 months ago

For 5/ I'm not sure what info you are looking for: if you put your car in the train you will have dedicated FARE PRODUCTs... Either a FARE PRODUCT combining everything (typically, you stay in your car, with your passenger, and buy a "global" ticket), either the car (or other vehicles) has a specific FARE PRODUCT (in the same or even e different train), then you buy a FP per passenger and an additional one for your vehicle.

I am talking about OJPFareRequest. In my view there is noplace to tell the system that you are a motorcycle, car, truck for a carTransportTrail: image


The SalesPackageElementRef is the only place, but I don't think it cuts the deal. Do you?

ue71603 commented 9 months ago

@herlitze It seems to me that P&R is not bookable with TRIAS either. Or did I miss something.

ue71603 commented 9 months ago


ue71603 commented 9 months ago

@Aurige @skinkie I expanded the fare service to incorporate what I think should be done.