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Mbio: consider wgcna-like method of essentially clustering similarly abundant taxa #764

Open d-callan opened 5 months ago

d-callan commented 5 months ago

this ticket is meant as a place to document ideas, discuss priority and min reqs, etc.

this idea came to us from stuart on slack: "The logical extension of the Correlation app beyond taxa-taxa correlations is to find groups of taxa that are co-abundant across samples. This is similar to the idea of WCGNA where groups of genes are found to co-vary in expression across samples. We could use any sort of clustering method to do this, since we are already computing the matrix of all taxa-taxa abundance correlations across all samples."

asizemore commented 5 months ago

To add on, he was talking about clustering up front and then going to look at only a cluster a user cares about. This is different than clustering as the last step of the analysis.