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Map - 500 response for floating histograms of date variables #765

Closed bobular closed 5 months ago

bobular commented 5 months ago

As seen on

Megastudy, no filters, nothing fancy - just trying to do a floating histogram of "collection start date" (or end date) image

Rserve and the new imputing zeroes methods seem to be involved. There shouldn't be any entity issues, the outputEntity is "collection" and the date variable is the same entity. POST data at end of this ticket

2024-01-23 15:34:31 New histogram object created with parameters viewport min =  , viewport max =  , binWidth = 1 month , binReportValue = binWidth , value = count , barmode = stack , sampleSizes =  TRUE , completeCases =  TRUE , evilMode = noVariables , verbose = TRUE

2024-01-23 15:34:31 New output file written: histogram13352b0d146.json
Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)) :
  error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a method for function 'getDTWithImputedZeroes': invalid class “StudySpecificVocabulariesByVariableList” object: 1: All study vocabularies must belong to the same entity.
invalid class “StudySpecificVocabulariesByVariableList” object: 2: All study vocabularies must belong to the same entity.

POST data

    "config": {
        "barMode": "stack",
        "binSpec": {
            "type": "binWidth",
            "units": "year",
            "value": 1
        "outputEntityId": "OBI_0000659",
        "valueSpec": "count",
        "xAxisVariable": {
            "entityId": "OBI_0000659",
            "variableId": "EUPATH_0043256"
    "filters": [
            "entityId": "GAZ_00000448",
            "max": 83.0264502199235,
            "min": -63.074002766795864,
            "type": "numberRange",
            "variableId": "OBI_0001620"
            "entityId": "GAZ_00000448",
            "left": -175.95703124,
            "right": -175.95703125,
            "type": "longitudeRange",
            "variableId": "OBI_0001621"
    "studyId": "VBP_MEGA"
d-callan commented 5 months ago

this turned out to be a pretty silly bug actually. remedies w data service version v7.6.1