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Explicit bin ranges after viewport filtering #171

Closed d-callan closed 2 years ago

d-callan commented 2 years ago

looking mostly for high-level feedback before i start getting into things like documentation and testing. does this seem conceptually right? are we happy to eventually do histo and lineplot binning this way as well (rather than using a viewport there)?

d-callan commented 2 years ago

should be considered in combination w veupathdb/

asizemore commented 2 years ago

Using a bin range makes sense to me, and i can see why we'll need something general to handle histos and lines when the x axis is binned and we have a discrete gradient colormap (as @d-callan you pointed out in #163 ).

I'm still a bit behind conceptually - i'm not totally sure what using bin ranges gives us over using multiple viewports? Or is the idea that we're realizing that this concept of a bin range is more general than the viewport?

d-callan commented 2 years ago

I guess I just see it as conceptually cleaner.. the info you need to consistently make reproducible bins is the range you're binning over and the bin width and that's all neatly in one BinSpec now. A viewport is a different but related concept I suppose in that it often determines the bin range, but I think the discretized colormap is a good ex of when the two aren't necessarily the same thing.

asizemore commented 2 years ago

Love it - makes sense to me! Thank you!

d-callan commented 2 years ago
