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multi-selecting markers #513

Closed moontrip closed 7 months ago

moontrip commented 9 months ago

This will address

Requirements are:



bobular commented 8 months ago

Looking great! Is it relatively easy to have the cancellation of the selection respond to a change in the geohash level (it seems to be leaflet zoom level at the moment)?

moontrip commented 8 months ago

Looking great! Is it relatively easy to have the cancellation of the selection respond to a change in the geohash level (it seems to be leaflet zoom level at the moment)?

@bobular Thank you for your review/tests 👍 Your suggestion seems to be not that easy but will check it out when examining panning behaviors that are also related to it.

moontrip commented 8 months ago



moontrip commented 8 months ago

@bobular I think that I addressed all your suggestions, including panning behavior and geohash level-based, not zoom level-based behavior. The only thing left is to check this at SAM. I will branch out from this PR to test with SAM.

moontrip commented 8 months ago

Hi @bobular 👋 Thank you for your review and sharing your thoughts 👍 I will reply them one-by-one later.

moontrip commented 8 months ago

@bobular I left my thought next to your suggestions/questions starting with the suffix, DK: (bold style)

Assuming that we don't need to include marker data in selectedMarkers (which was not requested as part of this ticket), I would like to avoid having to retro-fit every marker type (DonutMarker.tsx, ChartMarker.tsx, BubbleMarker.tsx) with selection handling code.

I would imagine that BoundsDriftMarker could handle the adding/removing of the highlighted-marker class all by itself, and that BoundsDriftMarker should have two optional callback props onSelected and onUnselected that expect the marker ID as an argument.

These callbacks could be added in MapVEuMap where the management of the selectedMarkers array should also be done:

  const finalMarkers = useMemo(() => {
    return => cloneElement(marker, { showPopup: true }));
  }, [markers]);

Note that @dmfalke's refactoring ( is moving a lot of marker logic around.

In the refactored code, I think the selectedMarkers and onSelectedMarkersChange props would belong to SemanticMarkers (and the finalMarkers map bit would go in there too (where it has been renamed refinedMarkers)).

The goal would be not needing to retrofit the old stories.

But first, convince me that additional data (not just the marker/geohash ID) is necessary! ;-)

DK: As you can see my first commit in this PR,, I didn't change much at marker components: they only had selectedMarkers and setSelectedMarkers to be passed to BoundsDriftMarker.

It has the following two-folds why marker component has been changed since then: a) to add data (and other info) into the selectedMarkers as you mentioned; b) however, the other important reason is to handle panning behavior as you requested, "any marker that "falls off" the viewport while panning the map becomes unselected." Basically, map panning leads to new data request and accordingly marker-related HTML codes are regenerated. In view of the way how to make highlight marker, which is based on HTML Class & CSS, HTML Class(es) concerning the selected marker(s) (i.e., highlight-donutmarker, etc.) is lost whenever map panning happens. The only way I found to overcome this issue is to check panning event, and update the highlight HTML Class again based on selectedMarkers at marker component (DonutMarker etc.). I could not find a way to do this at BoundsDriftMarker component.

I know that Dave is working for refactoring SAM, but I didn't check the code so honestly I have no idea how it would affect current logic used in this PR. We will see 😅

bobular commented 8 months ago

I've done some more thinking and understanding your code.

I see why you pass the selectedMarkers and setSelectedMarkers through DonutMarker and ChartMarker etc but there is a way to do everything in BoundsDriftMarker...

I just tried this (thanks ChatGPT) in BoundsDriftMarker and as expected it turns everything yellow.

  if (icon != null) icon.options.className += ' highlight-donutmarker';

So we could move all the CSS class logic into BoundsDriftMarker, and we can add the selectedMarkers and setSelectedMarkers props in MapVEuMap.tsx

  const finalMarkers = useMemo(() => {
    return => cloneElement(marker,
      { showPopup: true,
  }, [markers]);

That should make it possible to leave the old stories unchanged, I think? It should make integration with SAM much simpler too.

It would also be great to get rid of markerType and markerData as previously discussed.

bobular commented 8 months ago

It might also be possible to avoid having the consumer component track prevGeohashLevel?

Maybe MapVEuMap can prune selectedMarkers based on the IDs in markers. So if a selectedMarkers ID is not present in markers.* then remove it from selectedMarkers. I think that would take care of markers panning off screen too. It might no longer be necessary to handle that using MapVEuMapEvents. But I haven't thought it all the way through!

moontrip commented 8 months ago

@bobular Thank you for your tests 👍 Honestly, it needs to test your suggestions, but I am worried that it may not work for addressing the panning behavior. Initially, I tried to use BoundsDriftMarker component only to handle the re-addition of highlight Class (for panning behavior as I mentioned as b) in my previous comment), but failed: I presumed that it was because of component's update timing, which is often tricky involving multiple components (e.g., among DonutMarker, BoundsDriftMarkers, and MapVEuMap). That was the reason why I moved the logic (re-addition of the Class) to a parent level, i.e., marker component like DonutMarker, etc. because that is the place where marker-related DOM (divs) is re-generated when new data request is made. Though, I might have missed something in my preliminary works.

As I mentioned in the meeting, I would not be able to work for this for about 1.5 weeks at least due to vacations etc., so you may test your logic, especially for map panning, if you are available 😄 🤞

Finally, actually it was quite simpler than I expected to use current PR with SAM. Please see my another draft PR for that,

moontrip commented 8 months ago


I have added this multiple marker selection to bubble marker as well. Since there is no story to have bubble marker with data, I utilized SAM for tests: the PR,, which is associated with SAM, now supports bubble marker as well. You can test multiple marker selection with SAM in the PR. A screenshot is attached in the end of this comment.

As for handling highlighting at BoundsDriftMarker component, not marker components, unfortunatley I could not find a way to do that for panning behavior. As I mentioned earlier, it is probably because of component's update timing for marker data, which is often tricky involving multiple components (e.g., among DonutMarker, BoundsDriftMarkers, and MapVEuMap). That was the reason why I used the logic (re-addition of the Class) to a parent level, i.e., marker component like DonutMarker, etc. because that is the place where marker-related DOM (divs) is re-generated when new data request is made.

moontrip commented 7 months ago

@bobular I tried to merge the latest mega change, map refactor by Dave, into this PR. As expected, there were several merge conflicts, which could be resolved, and this multiple marker selection did not work properly. Tried several ways to work this out, however, I could not figure out the reason why the multiple marker selection did not work - couldn't make story file work yet.

Thus, I tried to work for the SAM test PR ( by re-implemented multiple marker selection to SAM, and found that it worked just fine with little changes on the previous multiple marker selection. Perhaps the way marker data is called in the story has some conflicts in the multiple marker selection under the new map refactor.

For this reason, is instead recommended, which also involves the same works implemented in this PR, not this PR, if the multiple marker selection is required.

moontrip commented 7 months ago

Note: this PR can be closed as was branched out from this PR, has more updates, and is working properly with SAM.

dmfalke commented 7 months ago

I'm closing this, based on @moontrip's previous comment.