VEuPathDB / web-monorepo

A monorepo that contains all frontend code for VEuPathDB websites
Apache License 2.0
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Wdk client 191 first table column sticky #598

Closed chowington closed 4 months ago

chowington commented 6 months ago


dmfalke commented 6 months ago

This is looking really great. I have some comments/questions:

  1. It looks like Mesa will only support one fixed column. I think we will have some use cases where we want 2 or 3 fixed columns. Would it be hard to support that?
  2. The left/right cell borders disappeared. Is that intentional?
  3. I'm not crazy about the sticky column having a gray background. Could we try something more subtle?
  4. We might need to get feedback from others before merging. I'd be happy to put this on my dev site.

Here is a screenshot of the table in Firefox:


chowington commented 6 months ago

@dmfalke, I implemented almost all of your suggestions. The only thing I couldn't figure out was keeping the side borders on the first column top cell. I played around a lot with the CSS, but couldn't get those borders to stay like the other first columns cells. Hopefully it doesn't stand out too much. What do you think?

dmfalke commented 6 months ago

Adding border-collapse: separate; to the CSS rule for .MesaComponent .DataTable table seems to do the trick. Maybe give that a shot?

chowington commented 5 months ago

@dmfalke Thanks for your work! I still see a couple of bugs: There's a pixel column of bleed-through on the left of the first header cell, and the last cell of the sticky column loses its borders when scrolling horizontally.


dmfalke commented 5 months ago

@dmfalke Thanks for your work! I still see a couple of bugs: There's a pixel column of bleed-through on the left of the first header cell, and the last cell of the sticky column loses its borders when scrolling horizontally.


Ah, good catch! Will try to fix it.

dmfalke commented 5 months ago

@chowington I just pushed another commit. Let me know how it looks to you.

chowington commented 4 months ago

@chowington I just pushed another commit. Let me know how it looks to you.

Looks good! I fixed yet another few issues. Final review? 🤞