VFCI / vfciBusinessCycles

Research project exploring the relationship between financial conditions and business cycles.
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Add other financial variables to the dataset #18

Open matdehaven opened 11 months ago

matdehaven commented 11 months ago
matdehaven commented 11 months ago
fernando-duarte commented 11 months ago
matdehaven commented 3 months ago


BIS uses these three components to capture the "financial cycle" and we think they make an index for it.

matdehaven commented 1 month ago

Added the Excess Bond Premium as well, since it came with the GZ spread data.

matdehaven commented 1 month ago

I cannot find the BIS financial cycle index data. I suspect it was never released since it was a working paper.

matdehaven commented 1 month ago

For the GSFCI I am using the data available in the macro_dynamics repository. This isn't ideal, because we can't get new updates and it doesn't have documentation. I think the data is published through Bloomberg, which we will hopefully have access to soon.