VFPX / FoxCharts

A class that allows VFP developers to directly draw charts and graphs
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Interactive filter and reorder on multi line/bar/column charts #3

Open ddTech opened 6 years ago

ddTech commented 6 years ago

When working with charts that have more than one data row - like comparing sales of different product groups over a period of time - the outcome sometimes is not overly informative.

In the following screenshot two product groups printware and accessories sell so so much better (we're looking at the units here) that we're hardly able to analyse the other groups. Even worse media and toys hide behind accessories and are barely visible at all.


That's why I have added interactive filters. The user can now click on a legend item in order to hide the corresponding chart or switch it on again. If I click on Accessories ...


this chart will be hidden and the legend label becomes light gray and strikethrough. Now I can see toys Media however is still not visible. Printware is very prominent, let's click on that as well...


Boom! Now Clothing, Food and Glass & Dishes turn to life wile Living seems to be almost dead. Now Glass & Dishes covers other groups. Now I could either continue to hide unwanted groups or I could reorder them. A right click on a legend item offers send to back or move to front


This way I can bring them in a comparable order (yes, there isn't much going on with Media)



This also works with bar and column groups. Here it is move left and move right. Filters work the same.


chicl3t commented 3 years ago

very good. is it possible to send me this form to chicl3t@gmail.com?