VH-Lab / DID-matlab

Data Interface Database
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after merge, did.test.test_did_validator fails #23

Closed stevevanhooser closed 4 years ago

stevevanhooser commented 4 years ago

Hi @zhaoy17 and @sfchen196 -

I just merged all the branches, thanks for your work over the past couple months!

The document test is working, but for some reason I get the following with did.test.test_did_validator:

Error using did.validate (line 103) Fail to verify the ndi_document. This is likely caused by json-schema not formatted correctlyHere is the detail Java exception error: Reference to non-existent field 'this'.

Error in did.test.test_did_validator (line 18) validator = did.validate(subject_doc);

I wonder if I'm missing a json schema possibly? (Maybe something that isn't in the master/validator2?)

Thanks Steve

zhaoy17 commented 4 years ago

Hi professor, I'll take a look at it when I get a chance.

zhaoy17 commented 4 years ago

I think the name of a variable on line 92 that is referenced later in the code has been accidentally changed. I changed that variable name from "validate_obj" to "did_validate_obj", then everything works.

stevevanhooser commented 4 years ago

great, it works! thanks!