VHDL-LS / rust_hdl

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Unable to install from crate and run #113

Open SethGower opened 3 years ago

SethGower commented 3 years ago

When installing from the cargo crate, using cargo install vhdl_lang, vhdl_lang -c vhdl_lang.toml --perf failes with the panic message

thread 'main' panicked at 'Couldn't find installed libraries at /home/sgower/.cargo/bin/../../vhdl_libraries/vhdl_ls.toml.', /home/sgower/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/vhdl_lang-0.17.0/src/config.rs:230:13
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

It seems that it is looking for the vhdl_libraries directory that is in the git repo, but isn't part of the actual crate package.

Test stuff

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity a is
    i_clk : in std_logic;
    i_rst : in std_logic;
    o_sig : out std_logic
end entity a;
architecture Behavioral of a is
  signal s_1 : std_logica; -- intentional error

  end process;
end Behavioral;
work.files = [
wrightsg commented 1 year ago

I just ran into this issue when installing vhdl_ls with cargo install vhdl_ls. Is this considered an issue and if not, what is the intended way to handle this?

SethGower commented 1 year ago

I just ran into this issue when installing vhdl_ls with cargo install vhdl_ls. Is this considered an issue and if not, what is the intended way to handle this?

Personally in order to use this, I install it by cloning the repo to ~/.local/share/rust_hdl and then do cargo build --release in order to build it. Then I add ~/.local/share/rust_hdl/target/release to my $PATH. It's not a great way, but it works for me.

kraigher commented 1 year ago

cargo install is not really supported since cargo has no concept of installing data folders along with the binary that is needed for the vhdl_libraries. The recommended method is to download the latest release from github for your platform or build it locally using cargo build.

teburd commented 1 year ago

I ran into this as well. I get the issue at hand, but having to do something other than cargo install adds a small but annoying hurdle.

  1. could the data be included in the binary itself with some include_file!() style macros?
  2. could the data be fetched by vhdl_ls and stored in a user local .cache directory?

I get maybe neither are feasible or no one is willing to add the feature to do so... but, its really hard to beat the convenience of cargo install!

kraigher commented 1 year ago

Cargo install is just not that useful for end users. You do not want your editor to require you to have cargo installed.

But yes I could probably include the vhdl files in the binary and extract them somewhere. Extracting to a real file is still necessary so that the user can open the standard.vhd if they for example run goto definition on a standard type.

sazam0 commented 1 year ago

I just ran into this issue when installing vhdl_ls with cargo install vhdl_ls. Is this considered an issue and if not, what is the intended way to handle this?

Personally in order to use this, I install it by cloning the repo to ~/.local/share/rust_hdl and then do cargo build --release in order to build it. Then I add ~/.local/share/rust_hdl/target/release to my $PATH. It's not a great way, but it works for me.

Since this is working without any issue/complexity, please add this as an (optional) installation instruction in the readme. The other 2 failed attempts (ubuntu 20.04.5, editor: emacs 28 with doom):

  1. cargo install: problem with vhdl_libraries directory location
  2. download the zip file: requires glibc 22-24, not available by default
kraigher commented 1 year ago


  1. Regarding install instructions you are welcome to make a PR to improve them.
  2. Regarding glibc dependency there is the musl target which is 100% static. This is used by the VSCode extension.