VHDL-LS / rust_hdl

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[Bug] Ignoring tb-folder #169

Open jakobjung10 opened 1 year ago

jakobjung10 commented 1 year ago

In my vhdl_ls.toml, i have this file: "src\\grpRs232\\unitTbdRs232Tx\\tb\\tb_TbdRs232Tx-Bhv-ea.vhd", (I use relative paths in my toml-file, but this is usually not a problem)

However, in the VS-Code-Client, the Language-Server detects the following error: c:\CHD4\Lab03\src\grpRs232\unitTbdRs232Tx\tb_TbdRs232Tx-Bhv-ea.vhd does not exist

Maybe , the Language-Server ignores the "tb"-folder.

Is this a bug or some kind of feature??

Remillard commented 1 year ago

That might actually explain something I'm seeing here. I've got a testbench package with a number of procedures there named tb_util_pkg.vhd and it's explicitly called out in in the TOML file. However when doing vhdl_lang I'm getting things like:

error: No declaration of 'write_note'
    --> C:\Users\nor71443\projects\onx-avx-fpga\common\src\discrete_csm\discrete_csm_tb.vhd:171
169  |  
170  |          -- Test time.  Status words.
171 -->         write_note(dbg_stream, string'("-------------------------------------------"), C_DEBUG);
     |          ~~~~~~~~~~

And write_note is defnined in tb_util_pkg.vhd. The section of the TOML file reads:

tb.files = [

I would hope it doesn't have any baked in ignoring, but that would explain why it's not picking up procedures in a package named that way.

kraigher commented 1 year ago

There is no builtin ignoring of any files. I suspect the toml string contains escape characters such as \t etc.

Remillard commented 1 year ago

I am pretty sure the string does not have that as I went through some variations with *.vhd instead of explicitly calling out that file. However I will check and see when I get back to work on Monday.

jakobjung10 commented 1 year ago

There is no builtin ignoring of any files. I suspect the toml string contains escape characters such as \t etc.

Indeed, my TOML-string contains the escape-character "\n" in every line. Why is this a problem? I only get this error for 2 specific files, all the other files in the TOML-string do not cause an error...

Remillard commented 1 year ago

As far as I can tell, I do not have any sort of escaped characters in the TOML file. I am attaching a test project where it is not picking up the procedures in a package named tb_util_pkg.vhd. Whether this is due to it being prefixed with tb or not I cannot say (I'll say I agree that this is pretty unlikely).

The project enclosed has a lot stripped out, however if vhdl_lang --config ./vhdl_ls.toml is run from the project directory, the error that is bugging me is where it does not find the procedure write_note. This is wholly defined in tb_util_pkg and this is valid VHDL and it simulates fine (when the rest of the bits of the device under test are. Also enclosed in the zip file is the log of running vhdl_lang --config ./vhdl_ls.toml. The first occurence of this is at line 353 of vhdl_lang.log.

For what it's worth it's also throwing a lot of errors on OSVVM which is an open source verification library. I do have this defined in my home directory .vhdl_ls.toml file and I am PRETTY SURE It shouldn't be throwing those errors either, but I"m not going to try to enclose the entirety of that library. It's on Github if you want to run the tool against it.

Hope this helps get to the bottom of things. test_project.zip

Remillard commented 1 year ago

Actually, I simplified things a bit and just blew away everything that might cause other issues. The only thing the testbench is doing is calling write_note and it's an error in vhdl_lang.


It still throws errors about OSVVM library but since I think the package is probably the source of the errors (i.e. vhdl_lang is not reading it for some reason) I didn't alter that file.

In any event, that really points out something strange going on.

Schottkyc137 commented 4 months ago

I believe that this issue is similar to #251 with two libraries being defined for test benches and common files which was not intended. Can someone confirm this?