When running projects with pre-compiled/vendor libraries or mixed language projects, not all files will be in vhdl libraries added to the vhdl_ls.toml file.
It would be very useful to be able to add primary units with "missing declarations" and unknown libraries, to an ignore list;
for unknown libraries (lib_x) it would be an option to add them to the vhdl_ls.toml file without any files, in which case all:
"use lib_x.pkg" statements would be skipped by the semantics checker
When running projects with pre-compiled/vendor libraries or mixed language projects, not all files will be in vhdl libraries added to the vhdl_ls.toml file. It would be very useful to be able to add primary units with "missing declarations" and unknown libraries, to an ignore list;
for unknown libraries (lib_x) it would be an option to add them to the vhdl_ls.toml file without any files, in which case all: "use lib_x.pkg" statements would be skipped by the semantics checker