VHP4Safety / cloud

VHP4Safety Cloud Service Catalog
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[SERVICE] Docking and SOM prediction #13

Closed thepoole closed 1 year ago

thepoole commented 1 year ago

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Docking and SOM prediction (a trifunctional microservice)

A repackaged version of the SOM/SmartCYP2.0/PLANTS microservice from OpenRiskNet (https://openrisknet.org/e-infrastructure/services/126/). This provides SOM prediction by docking or machine learning approaches for multiple cyp450 isoforms. In addition, the docking functionality can be called separately, producing protein-ligand complexes using PLANTS1.2.


Docking-based SOM prediction

PLANTS Docking


ozancinar commented 1 year ago

Deployed and a URL has been created on https://sombie.cloud.vhp4safety.nl/. Could you please check the information here and here, and let me know if they need to be updated?

egonw commented 1 year ago

The two pages look like a good start to me. After the deliverable we can slowly focus on completeness of the metadata (like tutorials listed, etc).