VHP4Safety / cloud

VHP4Safety Cloud Service Catalog
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[SERVICE] SysRev as cloud service #21

Closed egonw closed 1 year ago

egonw commented 1 year ago

It would be an external service, but of interest. We had a webinar in 2022. I just played with it and managed to get a free account, set up two projects and get access with the R package rsr.

I filled a but report and a pull request:

egonw commented 1 year ago

I got an R script working and can extract data from a SysRev, so that this can now be converted into RDF.

egonw commented 1 year ago

Added a metadata page: https://github.com/VHP4Safety/cloud/commit/33485f9a9c9adae4b680170a83ab030f87c5210d