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[SERVICE] httk R package #29

Open ElenaDR1 opened 1 year ago

ElenaDR1 commented 1 year ago

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httk R package

The httk R package is an open access tool which provides access to different types of pharmacokinetic (PK) and PBPK models, parameter values and experimental data (Pearce et al. 2017, Silva and Kwok 2022). This tool was explained in the Model group document ("Proposals for Modelling in VHP4Safety". The PBPK modeling team (WP1.2) considers this resource potentially important within the project.


ozancinar commented 1 year ago

It's a little ambiguous how we can add an R package to the catalog. Surely, we can add an item to the package's page on CRAN but its utilization could be vague. Instead, we could look into deploying an R/RStudio instance where the httk package is preinstalled.

egonw commented 1 year ago

It's a little ambiguous how we can add an R package to the catalog.

Yeah, agreed. The same for how to deal with the 'data' services. The JSON does not have a field for this kind of annotation.

@ozancinar, @Maddocent, do you see a reason why we should not just add a field for that? Maybe with a value from an enumerated list, which we could start like: