VHP4Safety / cloud

VHP4Safety Cloud Service Catalog
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identify which OpenRiskNet services we want to put online in Autumn 2022 #4

Closed egonw closed 1 year ago

egonw commented 2 years ago

See https://openrisknet.org/e-infrastructure/services/

egonw commented 1 year ago

ping @marvinm2 @ozancinar, what do you think?

marvinm2 commented 1 year ago

Toxcast/tox21, EdelweissData (or the TG-GATESDrugmatrix service, or ToxicoDB)for data access jaqpot for PBPK?? Lazar (QSAR)

Chris-Evelo commented 1 year ago

Apart from which we want to have we also need to discuss for which ones we do the initial ones and which ones can be installed from containers already updated by other EOSC platform partners OpenTox and Ola. I think we need to plan a meeting with them.

ozancinar commented 1 year ago

Shall we aim for all the services shown (here) when filtering the services for predictive toxicology?

Chris-Evelo commented 1 year ago

I think apart from distributing work we should also not randomly reinstate services, we need a straightforward story about why a service is useful for this project. Of course, we might already have that story and maybe even for all services, but then I think we need to communicate that in parallel. Also, we need an inventory of what additional services are required. I know that Elena is working on that for PBPK kinetics-related services for instance. I think it also depends a bit on how hard it is. If it easy to bring a service back up then we might just do it and then demonstrate it to the project. All that said, blood-brain barrier services sound most related to te use cases we have.