VHP4Safety / cloud

VHP4Safety Cloud Service Catalog
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changing the domain name for fairshare sources. #51

Closed ozancinar closed 9 months ago

ozancinar commented 9 months ago

The reason for this suggestion is that when the fairsharing item in the template.json is filled, the link in the .md file is not created correctly by createMarkdown.groovy.

Here's an example. The fairsharing item for BridgeDB is filled with an identifier. Then, createMarkdown.groovy creates the link in the .md file as https://doi.org/?q=10.25504/FAIRsharing.5ry74y. However, if you try to go to that link, you don't find the material. I think the correct link is https://fairsharing.org/10.25504/FAIRsharing.5ry74y. So, createMarkdown.groovy may need to use fairsharing.org as the domain name rather than doi.org for this item.

egonw commented 9 months ago

Or https://doi.org/10.25504/FAIRsharing.5ry74y ... the ?q= should not have been there.