VHP4Safety / cloud

VHP4Safety Cloud Service Catalog
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AOP-Wiki queries do not return results #60

Open egonw opened 1 month ago

egonw commented 1 month ago


(The Permalink button is also not working)

egonw commented 1 month ago

I believe the problem is the URL of the SPARQL endpoint, which states vhp4safety.org instead of vhp4safety.nl.

ozancinar commented 1 month ago

Yes, I agree. I think the environmental variable (see the SNORQL_ENDPOINT variable here) was incorrect when the container was initiated. I'll try to correct it.

ozancinar commented 1 month ago

I tested it on another server (see here). The SPARQL endpoint seems to be correct now; however, the examples do not return results which is unexpected I presume. I suspect the reason for this is that there is a mismatch between the service version we deploy and the version the data sets that go along with the service. Note that we changed the data files when we were trying the new version of the service. I am not exactly sure if this is the issue, and if it I am not sure which versions I have. I will look more into this and discuss it with Marvin to check whether the data files are correct.