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Automate the AOP-Wiki SPARQL endpoint loading #66

Open marvinm2 opened 2 months ago

marvinm2 commented 1 month ago

Recreated service based on newer setup (separate containers for snorql and virtuoso), however the run commands separated (no docker-compose as this did not work)

sudo docker run -d   --name aopwiki-snorql   --restart always   -v /home/MarvinMartens/AOP-Wiki-EP/aopwiki-snorql-extended:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs   -e SNORQL_ENDPOINT=https://aopwiki.cloud.vhp4safety.nl/sparql/   -e SNORQL_EXAMPLES_REPO=https://github.com/marvinm2/AOPWikiSNORQL   -e SNORQL_TITLE=AOP-WikiSNORQLUI   -e DEFAULT_GRAPH=   -p [port1]:80   -p [port2]:443   aammar/snorql-httpd:latest
sudo docker run -d   --name aopwiki-virtuoso   --restart always   -v /home/MarvinMartens/AOP-Wiki-EP/db:/database   -e DBA_PASSWORD=[password]   -e SPARQL_UPDATE=false   -p [port3]:8890   -p [port4]:1111   openlink/virtuoso-opensource-7:7.2.11

This has the new public ports, which are now made available through the URL and they work correctly.

Also, a CRON job is set up to reload the data every Sunday

Close this issue when the CRON job ran correctly. Also, shut down the other AOP-Wiki service