VIP-SMUR / 24Fa-EnergyInBuildings-Res

Energy in Buildings - Residential
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Jiayi Li #1

Open kastnerp opened 2 months ago

kastnerp commented 2 months ago

Weekly Notebook Entry — Week [Number]

Quick Overview

List your top 3 tasks or objectives for this week:

Weekly Accomplishments

Challenges and Learning

Reflection and Planning

jli3307 commented 1 month ago

### Weekly Notebook Entry — Week 5 Quick Overview List your top 3 tasks or objectives for this week:

Task 1: I made a selected data set from previous ResStock for Shivam to used straightforward.

Weekly Accomplishments What tasks did you complete this week? (Include links)

I made a selected data set from previous ResStock.

Tasks are still ongoing? Current status? Still have some difficulty find 1/3 of the parameter.

Challenges and Learning What was the biggest challenge you faced this week? How did you address it? What's one new thing you learned or skill you improved? Did you attend any team meetings? Key takeaways? I have difficulty understanding what is Relative Compactness and how to calculate it based on the data we have. I also couldn't find the data of "wall area", "glazing area" and "glazing area distribution".

During this weekend, I was reading a paper shared by Hang. Then I realized I don't understand what is machine learning mentioned in the paper. I search online and then realized it is pretty hard to understand learning if I don't have the knowledge of multivariable calculus. So I was spending some time this weekends to have a basic knowlege of multivariable calculus.

Reflection and Planning Your progress this week?

Main focus for next week? I will try to make sure the data I selected is valid and work with Shivam to train the model Any resources you're looking for?

jli3307 commented 1 month ago

### Weekly Notebook Entry — Week 6 Quick Overview List your top 3 tasks or objectives for this week:

Task 1: Filter the data from ResStock that are related to building heating and cooling energy. Task 2: Analyza the factors that influence energy usage. Task 3: Create an Excel sheet with selected data for Shivam to use for training.

Weekly Accomplishments What tasks did you complete this week? (Include links) Tasks are still ongoing? Current status?

Filter the data related to building heating and cooling energy. Investigated the factors influencing building energy consumption Formatted the data to align with Shivam's requirments for training.

But this link is the final Excel sheet that Kiana and I agree to work on:

Challenges and Learning What was the biggest challenge you faced this week? How did you address it? What's one new thing you learned or skill you improved? Did you attend any team meetings? Key takeaways?

Still not sure if the data would work well. I hope I can invlove more heavily in working on model training.

Reflection and Planning Your progress this week? Main focus for next week? Any resources you're looking for?

I will refine the dataset further based on feedback and continue analyzing additional factors that may impact energy usage.

jli3307 commented 3 weeks ago

Weekly Notebook Entry — Week 8

Quick Overview List your top 3 tasks or objectives for this week:

Task 1: Calculate the relative compactness. Task 2: Identify all parameters from the ResStock dataset. Task 3: Prepare for model training.

Weekly Accomplishments What tasks did you complete this week? (Include links) Tasks are still ongoing? Current status?

  1. Successfull calculated the relative compactness.
  2. Identified all necessary parameter for model training.
  3. Tasks related to model training are still in progress.

Challenges and Learning What was the biggest challenge you faced this week? How did you address it? What's one new thing you learned or skill you improved? Did you attend any team meetings? Key takeaways? Biggest challenge: Initially, I made a mistake in applying the formula for relative compactness, resulting in some values exceeding 1. After consulting with Hang, he provided an alternative formula, but the results still seemed incorrect. Eventually, I realized I had misunderstood the difference between the building's ground area and total area. Once I corrected this, all results were under 1, which is ideal.

New learning: I gained a better understanding of the importance of distinguishing between different building areas in calculations.

Team meeting: After fixing the relative compactness issue, Hang and I also confirmed that we have all the necessary data from ResStock, or at least enough to calculate the required parameter.

Reflection and Planning Your progress this week? Main focus for next week? Any resources you're looking for? Profess this week: I feel like I made a bit more progress that before. I found that asking Hang more specific questions and discussing tasks directly has helped me stay on the right track. I'm hopeful this momentum will continue.

Main focus for next week: I'm awaiting the result of the model training. My focus for next week will depend on those outcomes.

Resources needed: We need to figure out how to convert building orientation in Grasshopper into something that can be used for training. I'm not entirely sure of the next steps, but that's where my focus will be.