Challenges and Learning:
Learning to navigate new databases such as Web of Science, PubMed and Google Scholar.
Understanding how to use Boolean formulas effectively.
I’m also focusing on enhancing my search skills and exploring more articles related to urban design and health.
List your top 3 tasks or objectives for this week:
Weekly Accomplishments: Enter all the search terms from our last meeting into Web of Science then, refine the results from 4,260 to 50 by applying filters for publication years and full-text availability. Search Query: TS= (("mental health" OR "mental-health" OR "well-being" OR "well being" OR "wellbeing") AND ("built environment" OR "building architecture" OR "architectural design" OR "building design" OR "environmental design" OR "urban architecture" OR "urban environment" OR "sustainable architecture"))
Filters Applied: Publication Title: Sustainability-Environmental Health Publication Year: 2014-2024
Result from Web of Science: 50 Deep Link:
Challenges and Learning: Learning to navigate new databases such as Web of Science, PubMed and Google Scholar. Understanding how to use Boolean formulas effectively. I’m also focusing on enhancing my search skills and exploring more articles related to urban design and health.