VIP-SMUR / 24Sp-Microclimate

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Maryam Almaian-Notes #2

Open maryamalmaian opened 7 months ago

maryamalmaian commented 7 months ago

\subsection*{February 1st, 2024} The initial meeting focused on establishing the foundation of our project and devising a strategy. Initially, we brainstormed the idea of a collaborative simulation involving OpenFOAM, Python, Rhino, Grasshopper (GH), and EnergyPlus. This simulation aimed to illustrate the microclimate in a specific location visually. However, after discussion, we agreed to collectively explore the Urban Weather Generator and its outputs. The revised approach involves comprehending the outputs of the Urban Weather Generator and subsequently mapping these results in a specific area to visually depict the microclimate. A visual representation of our initial concept is presented in the attached flow chart. Flowchartvip.pdf

maryamalmaian commented 7 months ago

\subsection*{February 8th, 2024} The meeting discussed the results of the .epw weather file from the UWG. The process will be to simulate several points in Gatech campus and run the points in parallel then map them into the geometry. After that, we validate the putputs with the existing time-series validation case on the Gatech campus. Also, we can compare and discuss whether temperatures around the airport are hotter or on the Gatech campus. The next steps are: \begin{enumerate} \item Compare diurnal averages of the existing weather file and the one generated from UWG \item List possible inputs for the UWG and examples of vegetation implementation \item How to add different surface materials \item How can we compare the building coverage and the existing inputs with respect with what \end{enumerate}

maryamalmaian commented 7 months ago

\subsection*{February 15th, 2024} In this meeting, we agreed to further understand the UWG and what they are using as a reference for the boundary conditions (what is the boundary box?). Also, we will test the performance and accuracy of the UWG by retrieving an existing psm3 weather file for 2019 from NREL using Then compare the results with the existing temperatures we have. The following is the additional list of things to do.

\begin{enumerate} \item Plot the temperatures validated to create a heat map to clearly visualize temperatures stations on campus. \item Calculate the error and temp for all the seasons to understand which season is the most accurate and if vegetation is causing a problem. \item Develop a tiling approach in the simulation and change the building coverage and vegetation in each tile. \end{enumerate}

maryamalmaian commented 6 months ago

Weekly Notebook Entry — Week [4]


Tasks for This Week


Task: [UWG parameters] - (completed)
Task: [Run UWG] - completed)

Challenges & Solutions

General Takeaway, Skills & Knowledge Acquired

Team Meetings

Personal Reflection

Plans for Next Week

maryamalmaian commented 6 months ago

Weekly Notebook Entry — Week [6]


Tasks for This Week


Task: [UWG parameters] - (completed)
Task: [Run UWG] - completed)

Challenges & Solutions

Team Meetings

Plans for Next Week