VIPL-SLP / pointlstm-gesture-recognition-pytorch

This repo holds the codes of paper: An Efficient PointLSTM for Point Clouds Based Gesture Recognition (CVPR 2020).
Apache License 2.0
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Could you please share the script to process NVGesture dataset? #4

Closed happyCodingSusan closed 3 years ago

happyCodingSusan commented 3 years ago

@Blueprintf , great work. Very impressive! Thanks for sharing the code.

In your paper, you showed very good performance on NVGesture dataset. I wonder how you pre-process NVGesture dataset which does not have ground truth for hand regions. Could you please share the pre-processing code for NVGesture dataset (similar to

Many thanks.

ycmin95 commented 3 years ago

We simply use the Otsu threshold (cv2.threshold) to remove the background and then sample points from hand regions. I will upload the pre-processing script later, perhaps this weekend. You can find details about it in our supplementary material.

happyCodingSusan commented 3 years ago

@Blueprintf, thanks for your fast reply. I will wait for your script.

ycmin95 commented 3 years ago

NVGesture relevant scripts have been uploaded.

happyCodingSusan commented 3 years ago

Thanks, @Blueprintf , I will test it.