Learning Generalized Spoof Cues for FaceAnti-spoofing
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Open phamthienvuong98 opened 3 years ago

phamthienvuong98 commented 3 years ago

Hi @VIS-VAR, When i run "python" have error:

No pretrained model for Resnet Total: 27.51932M Trainable: 27.50012M E1208 15:27:13.015885 21483] Cannot use GPU because you have installed CPU version PaddlePaddle. If you want to use GPU, please try to install GPU version PaddlePaddle by: pip install paddlepaddle-gpu If you only have CPU, please change CUDAPlace(0) to be CPUPlace().

So i run "pip install paddlepaddle-gpu" and have error

Error: Cannot load cudnn shared library. Cannot invoke method cudnnGetVersion at (/paddle/paddle/fluid/platform/dynload/

Please tell me how to solve it.

adamhtoolwin commented 3 years ago

Try this link.](url)\

Assuming you have CUDA of course.

Morceguito commented 2 years ago

Any test script available to use on a single image?

thonglv21 commented 2 years ago

Replace all CUDAPlace(0) to be CPUPlace() in