VIS4ROB-lab / ccm_slam

CCM-SLAM: Robust and Efficient Centralized Collaborative Monocular SLAM for Robotic Teams
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static transform publisher #44

Closed flyover-26 closed 11 months ago

flyover-26 commented 2 years ago

hi! I notice that there is a static transform publisher parameter. I think when map merges,we can get every agent pose which means these is no need to know their initial pose set by static transform publisher . Whether this parameter is only for visualization in rviz?And when map merge,this parameter become useless? thank you for your help~

patriksc commented 2 years ago

Yes, the static transform publisher is only for visualization purposes. When maps are merged, some of the transforms might not be used anymore, but that's not a problem.

flyover-26 commented 2 years ago

I got it!Thank you so much. I notice in this project is not included in cmakelists.Is this file for any purpose?And I found a frame constrcutor in which can be used to create temporary MapPoint in tracking thread.(used in stereo or rgbd in UpdateLastFrame() form TrackWithMotionmodel() in orb2) Is it right if I use this constructor directly to create temporary MapPoint if I want to modify ccm to stereo version?just like orb-slam2?thank you!!!!

patriksc commented 2 years ago

This file most have slipped the refactoring efforts - it is some deprecated piece of code from earlier stages of development. Please ignore it, we will also remove it in one of the next commits then. I would definitely discourage using this code.

patriksc commented 2 years ago

Removed via b2b5d6e2700869133e3d9f34119d7a5da91d758c

patriksc commented 11 months ago

Closed - resolved