Open midori-ao opened 9 years ago
You should run ./
to stop the docker containers.
Then run ./
to start the three main processes.
The command docker ps
will show you which Docker containers are running, and there should be three of them.
Finally, the command
is meant to be running inside the Docker container. If you're new to Docker, don't worry. The script should do all of this for you, but feel free to poke inside.
I just did ./
, did ./
, saw that 3 docker containers are running, and scp'd another image into the server, but I still don't see any images in /output/
. Is this related to the file paths, or not having the dependency numpy
yes, same issue here, however I can see python process using almost 100% of the CPU, I guess we don't see outputs because it still slowly process through CPU?
so the script
is trying to access input images from cd /opt/deepdream/inputs
but technically this mus be inside the docks, how to make sure when we add the images to the input folder inside clouddream it goes to this virtual folder into the docker? I'm very new to the docker system
If you want to see what's happening, there is a log file written to log.html. This will contain the outputs of the python program:
In addition you can see which image is currently being processed by visiting
And yes, must be ran inside of the Docker container. If you look at you'll see a line which looks like this:
docker run --name deepdream-compute -v `pwd`/deepdream:/opt/deepdream -d visionai/clouddream /bin/bash -c "cd /opt/deepdream && ./ 2>&1 > log.html"
This will start a new Docker container from the visionai/clouddream image. It will take the /deepdream folder from the host machine and mount it inside the container as /opt/deepdream. And finally it will CD into this directory and call
I also made some minor changes, so it's a good idea to do a git pull
Makes sense, the log.html is been update, I'm getting the
/opt/deepdream File is Photo Deepdream Photo Error Code is 137 File is on Deepdream on
error code 137, do you know what it can be?
It seems something is wrong with the python script. This is usually a problem with the image. Try making sure the file is called something like "PhotoDeepdream.jpg" and not "Photo Deepdream" with spaces. If that works, then it might be an issue with spaces in the filenames.
I did git pull origin master
, ran
, checked docker ps
, ran
, did cat log.html
and got this output:
Just created outputs/./6031848_1547091962_98large.jpg
Deepdream ./6031848_1547091962_98large.jpg
Error Code is 137
What happens if you use the file
command? When I run
file image-00001.jpg
on one of my images I get:
image-00001.jpg: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.02, comment: "Lavc55.70.100"
in my case
$ file f.jpg f.jpg: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01
What happens if you do:
cd ~/clouddream
cp ~/problemimage.jpg ~/clouddream/deepdream/input.jpg
#now you are inside a Docker container which has all the Caffe/Python dependencies
cd /opt/deepdream
You will not get a more thorough log of what might be happening incorrectly. In my example, the input image is bad and I get the following at the end of my log:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 101, in <module>
img ='input.jpg')
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/PIL/", line 2028, in open
raise IOError("cannot identify image file")
IOError: cannot identify image file
If I do this with a successful image, It starts to process the image and shows output like:
0 0 conv2/3x3 (178, 146, 3)
0 1 conv2/3x3 (178, 146, 3)
0 2 conv2/3x3 (178, 146, 3)
I was playing inside the Docker container and tried the script in python, seems like the image is right but then I've got this error
I0704 19:18:36.805817 64 net.cpp:248] Memory required for data: 545512320
and makes sense I'm using the 512mb RAM droplet
so I don't think it's generating the output.jpg and then the Error Code is 137 I'll try to increase the RAM
Well I'm glad this was resolved as a memory issue. I'm playing with a 4GB droplet and it works.
I'll run some tests to see what the minimum drop size is, but for now 512MB is not enough.
Yes, it's processing now, so it needs more than the tiny 512MB of the basic droplets!! thanks for that! and happy to start learning the Docker system!
I just added a script called ./
which uses youtube-dl to get a youtube movie and ffmpeg to get the frames. It shows how simple it is to use somebody else's prebuilt Docker images without having to install/configure the old-fashioned way.
I increased my RAM to 1GB and I was able to finally get 1 image output! Now looking into how I can get bigger resolution outputs. edit just found it on the README. Thanks for the feedback guys!
Just FYI 1GB it's also been to little if you increase the maxwidth to 600px for example
Need 2GB of RAM to process an output image of 1000px width
Yeah.. I just ran into that problem unfortunately.
Hi all,
When trying to use any models using rectified linear unit (relu) I receive the following error;
KeyError: u'conv2/relu_3x3_reduce' root@0e1e62948dd7:/opt/deepdream# Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
Last part of log;
I0707 16:47:46.279047 30 net.cpp:247] Network initialization done.
I0707 16:47:46.279052 30 net.cpp:248] Memory required for data: 545512320
I0707 16:47:46.407258 30 upgrade_proto.cpp:626] Successfully upgraded file specified using deprecated V1LayerParameter
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/scipy/ndimage/ UserWarning: From scipy 0.13.0, the output shape of zoom() is calculated with round() instead of int() - for these inputs the size of the returned array has changed.
"the returned array has changed.", UserWarning)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 114, in
Now did I change the picture size up to 50x50 pixels over different degradations and the memory message looks to be static?
Now is my main question has anybody got relu working on CPU? I am currently running it on E5-4600 v3 with 56 GiB ram. (yes I know, CUDA but don't have that available atm so have to do with resources available.)
Thanks! Guillaume
Can you paste your settings.json file?
I have tested this with;
{ "maxwidth" : 5000, "layer" : "conv2/relu_3x3_reduce" }
{ "maxwidth" : 5000, "layer" : "conv1/relu_7x7" }
When I change it to a non relu value it works perfectly :)
Ok thanks. I took a deeper look and it seems that the relu layers aren't valid, just like you mentioned.
(Pdb) net.blobs.keys()
['data', 'conv1/7x7_s2', 'pool1/3x3_s2', 'pool1/norm1', 'conv2/3x3_reduce', 'conv2/3x3', 'conv2/norm2', 'pool2/3x3_s2', 'pool2/3x3_s2_pool2/3x3_s2_0_split_0', 'pool2/3x3\
_s2_pool2/3x3_s2_0_split_1', 'pool2/3x3_s2_pool2/3x3_s2_0_split_2', 'pool2/3x3_s2_pool2/3x3_s2_0_split_3', 'inception_3a/1x1', 'inception_3a/3x3_reduce', 'inception_3a/3\
x3', 'inception_3a/5x5_reduce', 'inception_3a/5x5', 'inception_3a/pool', 'inception_3a/pool_proj', 'inception_3a/output', 'inception_3a/output_inception_3a/output_0_spli\
t_0', 'inception_3a/output_inception_3a/output_0_split_1', 'inception_3a/output_inception_3a/output_0_split_2', 'inception_3a/output_inception_3a/output_0_split_3', 'inc\
eption_3b/1x1', 'inception_3b/3x3_reduce', 'inception_3b/3x3', 'inception_3b/5x5_reduce', 'inception_3b/5x5', 'inception_3b/pool', 'inception_3b/pool_proj', 'inception_3\
b/output', 'pool3/3x3_s2', 'pool3/3x3_s2_pool3/3x3_s2_0_split_0', 'pool3/3x3_s2_pool3/3x3_s2_0_split_1', 'pool3/3x3_s2_pool3/3x3_s2_0_split_2', 'pool3/3x3_s2_pool3/3x3_s\
2_0_split_3', 'inception_4a/1x1', 'inception_4a/3x3_reduce', 'inception_4a/3x3', 'inception_4a/5x5_reduce', 'inception_4a/5x5', 'inception_4a/pool', 'inception_4a/pool_p\
roj', 'inception_4a/output', 'inception_4a/output_inception_4a/output_0_split_0', 'inception_4a/output_inception_4a/output_0_split_1', 'inception_4a/output_inception_4a/\
output_0_split_2', 'inception_4a/output_inception_4a/output_0_split_3', 'inception_4b/1x1', 'inception_4b/3x3_reduce', 'inception_4b/3x3', 'inception_4b/5x5_reduce', 'in\
ception_4b/5x5', 'inception_4b/pool', 'inception_4b/pool_proj', 'inception_4b/output', 'inception_4b/output_inception_4b/output_0_split_0', 'inception_4b/output_inceptio\
n_4b/output_0_split_1', 'inception_4b/output_inception_4b/output_0_split_2', 'inception_4b/output_inception_4b/output_0_split_3', 'inception_4c/1x1', 'inception_4c/3x3_r\
educe', 'inception_4c/3x3', 'inception_4c/5x5_reduce', 'inception_4c/5x5', 'inception_4c/pool', 'inception_4c/pool_proj', 'inception_4c/output', 'inception_4c/output_inc\
eption_4c/output_0_split_0', 'inception_4c/output_inception_4c/output_0_split_1', 'inception_4c/output_inception_4c/output_0_split_2', 'inception_4c/output_inception_4c/\
output_0_split_3', 'inception_4d/1x1', 'inception_4d/3x3_reduce', 'inception_4d/3x3', 'inception_4d/5x5_reduce', 'inception_4d/5x5', 'inception_4d/pool', 'inception_4d/p\
ool_proj', 'inception_4d/output', 'inception_4d/output_inception_4d/output_0_split_0', 'inception_4d/output_inception_4d/output_0_split_1', 'inception_4d/output_inceptio\
n_4d/output_0_split_2', 'inception_4d/output_inception_4d/output_0_split_3', 'inception_4e/1x1', 'inception_4e/3x3_reduce', 'inception_4e/3x3', 'inception_4e/5x5_reduce'\
, 'inception_4e/5x5', 'inception_4e/pool', 'inception_4e/pool_proj', 'inception_4e/output', 'pool4/3x3_s2', 'pool4/3x3_s2_pool4/3x3_s2_0_split_0', 'pool4/3x3_s2_pool4/3x\
3_s2_0_split_1', 'pool4/3x3_s2_pool4/3x3_s2_0_split_2', 'pool4/3x3_s2_pool4/3x3_s2_0_split_3', 'inception_5a/1x1', 'inception_5a/3x3_reduce', 'inception_5a/3x3', 'incept\
ion_5a/5x5_reduce', 'inception_5a/5x5', 'inception_5a/pool', 'inception_5a/pool_proj', 'inception_5a/output', 'inception_5a/output_inception_5a/output_0_split_0', 'incep\
tion_5a/output_inception_5a/output_0_split_1', 'inception_5a/output_inception_5a/output_0_split_2', 'inception_5a/output_inception_5a/output_0_split_3', 'inception_5b/1x\
1', 'inception_5b/3x3_reduce', 'inception_5b/3x3', 'inception_5b/5x5_reduce', 'inception_5b/5x5', 'inception_5b/pool', 'inception_5b/pool_proj', 'inception_5b/output', '\
pool5/7x7_s1', 'loss3/classifier', 'prob']
In addition the dropout layers are also not valid. I will update the README to list only the valid layers. Thanks for catching this!
Thank you for putting together an easy docker! :)
I bet you have more experience with neural networking than I do, any idea what can cause this?
It looks like RELU layers are supported on CPU; Just expect it to be very slow :)
The ReLU layer is there, but the Caffe layers description for ReLU states:
It also supports in-place computation, meaning that the bottom and the top blob could be the same to preserve memory consumption.
Additionally if you peek inside the tmp.prototxt file for the GoogleNet model, you'll see:
layer {
name: "conv1/relu_7x7"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv1/7x7_s2"
top: "conv1/7x7_s2"
Which confirms that the bottom and top layer are the same. This just makes the network more memory efficient. I suspect it could be possible to re-train the entire network, but I doubt you'll get a lot of value from doing this.
Learning every minute! :)
Browsing the tmp now and makes sense :)
Thanks a million!
You're welcome. I updated the README so it now only lists the layers which have actual data. I still haven't tested all of the layers listed, but at least dropout and relu are gone from the list.
I followed your directions for Digital Ocean, Ubuntu with Docker installed. I scp'ed the image to my server but noticed that nothing was displaying.. so I manually ran and got this error:
Is there something I'm doing wrong here? Sorry, I'm new with Linux, Python and such.