"Comp4D: Compositional 4D Scene Generation", Dejia Xu*, Hanwen Liang*, Neel P. Bhatt, Hezhen Hu, Hanxue Liang, Konstantinos N. Plataniotis, and Zhangyang Wang
I noticed that the files in traj_funcs are specific to each set of objects. Is there any plan to release the rest of the codes, specifically how to use LLM to plan a trajectory for an arbitrary object? (how to get similar files in traj_funcs)
Hi, authors, thank you for your wonderful work!
I noticed that the files in traj_funcs are specific to each set of objects. Is there any plan to release the rest of the codes, specifically how to use LLM to plan a trajectory for an arbitrary object? (how to get similar files in traj_funcs)
Looking forward to your reply.