VITA-Group / GNT

[ICLR 2023] "Is Attention All NeRF Needs?" by Mukund Varma T*, Peihao Wang* , Xuxi Chen, Tianlong Chen, Subhashini Venugopalan, Zhangyang Wang
MIT License
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How to filter the epipolar features #15

Closed indigopyj closed 1 year ago

indigopyj commented 1 year ago

I appreciate your work and I am very interested in it! By the way, I saw your code and wonder where the code adding an inductive bias for epipolar constraints is. I found "gnt/data_loaders/" but this doesn't apply to actual model implementation. Or is it just omitted because all the datasets you use already satisfy the epipolar constraints?

MukundVarmaT commented 1 year ago

Hi, Thank you for your interest in our work. Given camera poses, we can always estimate epipolar projections - that may or may not be valid.

We argue that our view transformer learns to account for such inconsistencies and aggregate information from required projections. For example, below we replicate Fig. 6 from the paper, but corrupt the source views with images from the opposite direction. We observe that our view transformer does not pay attention to these source views at all.

Screenshot from 2023-07-08 12-53-40