IP Core Library - Published and maintained by the Chair for VLSI Design, Diagnostics and Architecture, Faculty of Computer Science, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
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Error during configuration #67

Open mbieker opened 3 years ago

mbieker commented 3 years ago


I tried to setup PoC as described in the Quickstart Guide in the readme. After experiencing the bug described in #62 and applying the suggested fix (renaming PoC.py in the submodule) the following error occured during configuration:

FATAL: An unknown or unhandled exception reached the topmost exception handler!
  Exception type:      KeyError
  Exception message:   'INSTALL.Intel.Quartus'
  Caused in:           __getitem__ in file '/usr/lib64/python3.6/configparser.py' at line 959
  File "/home/bcmdev/dev/PoC/lib/pyIPCMI/FrontEnd.py", line 86, in main
  File "/home/bcmdev/dev/PoC/lib/pyIPCMI/pyIPCMI/__init__.py", line 406, in Run
  File "/home/bcmdev/dev/PoC/lib/pyIPCMI/lib/pyAttribute/ArgParseAttributes.py", line 187, in Run
    args.func(self, args)
  File "/home/bcmdev/dev/PoC/lib/pyIPCMI/pyIPCMI/__init__.py", line 503, in HandleConfiguration
  File "/home/bcmdev/dev/PoC/lib/pyIPCMI/pyIPCMI/ToolChain/__init__.py", line 798, in ConfigureAll
  File "/home/bcmdev/dev/PoC/lib/pyIPCMI/pyIPCMI/ToolChain/__init__.py", line 898, in _ConfigureTools
  File "/home/bcmdev/dev/PoC/lib/pyIPCMI/pyIPCMI/ToolChain/__init__.py", line 944, in _ConfigureDefaultTools
  File "/home/bcmdev/dev/PoC/lib/pyIPCMI/pyIPCMI/ToolChain/Altera/Quartus.py", line 149, in Select
    editions = self._GetConfiguredEditions(QuartusEditions)
  File "/home/bcmdev/dev/PoC/lib/pyIPCMI/pyIPCMI/ToolChain/__init__.py", line 666, in _GetConfiguredEditions
    if (len(self._host.Config[edition.Section]) > 0):
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/configparser.py", line 959, in __getitem__
    raise KeyError(key)
Please report this bug at GitHub: https://github.com/VLSI-EDA/pyIPCMI/issues

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Download PoC via git clone --recursive
  2. Rename mv lib/pyIPCMI/pyIPCMI/ToolChain/PoC.py lib/pyIPCMI/pyIPCMI/ToolChain/pyIPCMI.py
  3. Run configuration script:
    ./poc.sh configure
                             pyIPCMI - Service Tool
    No private configuration found. Generating an empty pyIPCMI configuration...
    Explanation of abbreviations:
    Y - yes      P        - pass (jump to next question)
    N - no       Ctrl + C - abort (no changes are saved)
    Upper case or value in '[...]' means default value

Configuring installed tools

Configuring PoC Installation directory: /home/bcmdev/dev/PoC/lib/pyIPCMI (found in environment variable) Configuring Git Is Git installed on your system? [Y/n/p]: Y Git installation directory [/usr/bin]: /usr/bin Install Git mechanisms for pyIPCMI developers? [y/N/p]: N Git is now configured. Configuring Aldec Are Aldec products installed on your system? [Y/n/p]: n Aldec is now configured. Configuring Altera Are Altera products installed on your system? [Y/n/p]: n Configuring Intel Are Intel products installed on your system? [Y/n/p]: Y Intel installation directory [/opt/IntelFPGA]: /opt/quartus Configuring Intel Quartus Prime Is Intel Quartus Prime installed on your system? [Y/n/p]: Y 17.0 version [17.0]: 18.1 Intel Quartus Prime installation directory [/opt/quartus/18.1/quartus]: /opt/quartus/18.1/quartus Checking Altera Quartus version... (this may take a few seconds) Intel Quartus Prime is now configured. Configuring Intel Quartus Prime Lite Is Intel Quartus Prime installed on your system? [Y/n/p]: n Configuring Intel ModelSim Is ModelSim Intel Edition installed on your system? [Y/n/p]: n Configuring Intel ModelSim (Starter Edition) Is ModelSim Intel Edition installed on your system? [Y/n/p]: n Configuring Lattice Are Lattice products installed on your system? [Y/n/p]: n Configuring Mentor Are Mentor products installed on your system? [Y/n/p]: n Configuring Xilinx Are Xilinx products installed on your system? [Y/n/p]: n Configuring GHDL Is GHDL installed on your system? [Y/n/p]: n

Configure default tools? [Y/n]: Y Choosing default tools

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
broddo commented 2 years ago

I know this issue has been open for a while now, but I just thought I'd mention that I also have experienced this issue.

Paebbels commented 2 years ago

The current plan to solve issues of PoC's Python scripting is as follows:

The work has started 4 months ago and will take another 3 months.
File formats of PoC / pyIPCMI might be reviewed and exchanged to more modern/powerful formats like YAML instead of INI.

A branding strategy was developed and we're in contact to other frameworks, who want to reuse layers, contribute features or cooperate with us. On top, projects like OSVB are investigating prototypes and new ideas based on layers provided by EDA².

An overall health status can be found here: https://edaa-org.github.io/Status.html
Development investments by me into EDA² and pyTooling drastically increased in the last 4 months:

Please stay tuned for updates on that topic within the next 3 months.

/cc @umarcor