IP Core Library - Published and maintained by the Chair for VLSI Design, Diagnostics and Architecture, Faculty of Computer Science, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
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CYCLONE II FPGA with TM1638 in VHDL code #71

Open paskalthelordoffpga opened 1 year ago

paskalthelordoffpga commented 1 year ago

can you make the VHDL code so it can be connected dan turn on the LEDs with switches

paskalthelordoffpga commented 1 year ago

TM1638 Key and LED Module.pdf heres the data sheet of TM1638 with the arduinos code on the last page of the file. I find it hard to translate it into VHDL

Paebbels commented 1 year ago

Where to find the datasheet of the TM6138 controller? The given datasheet is for the module, but not the controller.

Based on the mentioned signals, it's neither I²C nor SPI nor OneWire as a protocol. So first the communication protocol needs to be known. Then you would need multiple layers of VHDL modules for byte-wise bus operations, TM6138 command handling, input/output abstraction layer.

paskalthelordoffpga commented 1 year ago

TM1638(1).pdf heres the module, i hope you can solve it.