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Launch Vibrant Life SL #55

Closed BigActual closed 5 years ago

BigActual commented 5 years ago

Feature Request

Take the helm Mr Sulu Warp Factor 1

Copy of email from Scott Crawford at Reliable Webs.

I've reset Scott's password. Here is the login to manage the domain registrations:

https://www.reliablewebs.com/help/clientarea.php username: scott@advancepac.com password: ps5UfWs2!_

Domains -> My Domains -> click the down arrow on the right and select "Manage Nameservers"

I will get you hosting account logins in a bit. The sites were created here at different times and are not all consolidated under a single login. If you intend to keep hosting the sites here I will set that up for you.

If you need changes made to DNS zones (rather than changing the nameservers on the registrations) the quickest way to do that is to just send me a list of changes.

Scott Reliable Webs

Ticket ID: #288869 Subject: Re: Registrar changes for launch Status: Answered Ticket URL: https://www.reliablewebs.com/help/viewticket.php?tid=288869&c=lsdiIQtu

The only site currently hosted on ReliableWeb servers is vibrantlifecommunities.com. Its hosting control panel is here:

https://vibrantlifecommunities.com/cpanel username: soldende password: k3z(74(8*5

d4mation commented 5 years ago
