VLprojects / mediasoup-client-swift

Swift wrapper for libmediasoupclient
MIT License
39 stars 16 forks source link

try to run sh build.sh giving error #15

Closed 07onkar07 closed 1 year ago

07onkar07 commented 1 year ago

warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZTVN6webrtc12_GLOBAL__N_118BlockProcessorImplE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZTSN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_118BlockProcessorImplE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '__ZN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_118BlockProcessorImpl15instance_count_E' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtc12_GLOBAL__N_19kSqrt2SinE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZTVN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_115EchoRemoverImplE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '__ZN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_115EchoRemoverImpl15instance_count_E' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'MergedGlobals' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_17kMaxErlE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZZN6webrtc14FilterAnalyzer17PreProcessFiltersEN3rtc9ArrayViewIKNSt316vectorIfNS3_9allocatorIfEEEELln4711EEEE1h' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_131kPreEchoHistogramDataNotUpdatedE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '__ZN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_114kHErrorInitialE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZTVN6webrtc12_GLOBAL__N_121RenderDelayBufferImplE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZTSN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_121RenderDelayBufferImplE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '__ZN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_121RenderDelayBufferImpl15instance_count_E' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZTVN6webrtc12_GLOBAL__N_125RenderDelayControllerImplE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZTSN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_125RenderDelayControllerImplE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '__ZN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_125RenderDelayControllerImpl15instance_count_E' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'MergedGlobals' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_115kBandBoundariesE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '__ZN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_114kMinNoisePowerE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtc12_GLOBAL__N_112kSqrtHanningE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZZNK6webrtc8OouraFft10bitrv2_128EPfE2ip' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtcL9rdft_wk1rE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '__ZN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_123WebRtcAecm_kSqrtHanningE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZZN6webrtc12_GLOBAL__N_118LogClippingMetricsEiE24atomic_histogram_pointer' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtcL15kHistBinCentersE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtcL16kNoiseGmmWeightsE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtcL15kCoeffNumeratorE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_115kLowProbabilityE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_kWeight' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_116kGainTableAnalogE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtc12_GLOBAL__N_113kGenFuncTableE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_19log_tableE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_123kBlocks160w256FirstHalfE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtcL14kLtrFeatureThrE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZNSt3__1L19piecewise_constructE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZZN7cricket19FilterRtpExtensionsERKNSt316vectorIN6webrtc12RtpExtensionENS0_9allocatorIS3_EEEEPFbN4absl11string_viewEEbRKNS2_15FieldTrialsViewEE23kBweExtensionPriorities' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'MergedGlobals' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZZN7cricket23WebRtcVoiceMediaChannel31MaybeCreateDefaultReceiveStreamERKN6webrtc17RtpPacketReceivedEE24atomic_histogram_pointer' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZTVN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_135VideoDecoderSoftwareFallbackWrapperE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'MergedGlobals' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZTVN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_135VideoEncoderSoftwareFallbackWrapperE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZTSN6webrtc12_GLOBAL__N_135VideoEncoderSoftwareFallbackWrapperE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_127kBaseHeavy3TlRateAllocationE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '__ZN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_123kRtcpAnyExtendedReportsE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtc12_GLOBAL__N_126kIncludeCaptureClockOffsetE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'MergedGlobals' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'MergedGlobals' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'MergedGlobals' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZZN6webrtc14UlpfecReceiverD1EvE24atomic_histogram_pointer' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_127kBweBackOffFactorExperimentE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZZN6webrtc20PacketArrivalTimeMap14SetNotReceivedExxE5value' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_114kTimestampToMsE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtc12_GLOBAL__N_115kFieldTrialNameE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZZN6webrtc16BitrateAllocatorD1EvE24atomic_histogram_pointer' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtc12_GLOBAL__N_126kBweThroughputWindowConfigE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZNSt31L19piecewise_constructE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'MergedGlobals' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'MergedGlobals' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '__ZZN6webrtc15ProbeController12RequestProbeENS_9TimestampEE24atomic_histogram_pointer' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_117kUmaRampupMetricsE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZZN6webrtc27SendSideBandwidthEstimation9UpdateRttENS_9TimeDeltaENS_9TimestampEE24atomic_histogram_pointer' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_120kBweLossBasedControlE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZTVN6webrtc12_GLOBAL__N_121AudioCodingModuleImplE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZTSN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_121AudioCodingModuleImplE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '__ZN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_128kNackTrackerConfigFieldTrialE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'MergedGlobals' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZZN6webrtc20StatisticsCalculator14EndExpandEventEiE24atomic_histogram_pointer' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_115WebRtcCng_kDbovE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZTVN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_115AudioEncoderCngE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZTSN6webrtc12_GLOBAL__N_115AudioEncoderCngE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZNSt31L19piecewise_constructE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'MergedGlobals' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtc12video_coding12_GLOBAL__N_115start_code_h264E' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZNSt31L19piecewise_constructE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'MergedGlobals' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_114kMaxVideoDelayE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtc12_GLOBAL__N_134kMaxScreenSharingLayerFramerateFpsE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZTVN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_135BuiltinVideoBitrateAllocatorFactoryE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '__ZTSN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_135BuiltinVideoBitrateAllocatorFactoryE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtc12_GLOBAL__N_112kAccMaxErrorE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZTVN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_123FrameCadenceAdapterImplE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'MergedGlobals' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZTVN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_119FrameDumpingDecoderE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZTSN6webrtc12_GLOBAL__N_119FrameDumpingDecoderE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_118kMaxFramesBufferedE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '__ZTVN3rtc16RefCountedObjectIN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_125EncodedImageBufferWrapperEEE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'MergedGlobals' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'MergedGlobals' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN7cricket12_GLOBAL__N_139kUseLegacySimulcastLayerLimitFieldTrialE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_111kFieldTrialE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZNSt31L19piecewise_constructE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_115kFieldTrialNameE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'MergedGlobals' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZZN6webrtc17VideoRenderFramesD1EvE24atomic_histogram_pointer' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'MergedGlobals' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZZN6webrtc27DefaultOutputRateCalculator28CalculateOutputRateFromRangeEN3rtc9ArrayViewIKiLln4711EEEE12native_rates' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'MergedGlobals' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZZN6webrtc15DcSctpTransportC1EPN3rtc6ThreadEPNS1_23PacketTransportInternalEPNS_5ClockENSt3110unique_ptrIN6dcsctp19DcSctpSocketFactoryENS8_14default_deleteISB_EEEEE14instance_count' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZTVNSt3110function6funcIZN6dcsctp12TimerManager11CreateTimerEN4absl11string_viewENS_8functionIFNS4_8optionalINS2_10DurationMsEEEvEEERKNS2_12TimerOptionsEE3$_0NS_9allocatorISF_EEFvvEEE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZTVNSt3110function6funcIZN6dcsctp15ReassemblyQueueC1EN4absl11string_viewEN6webrtc11StrongAliasINS2_6TSNTagEjEEmbE3$_0NS_9allocatorISA_EEFvN3rtc9ArrayViewIKNS2_23UnwrappedSequenceNumberIS9_EELln4711EEENS2_13DcSctpMessageEEEE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZTSNSt3110function6funcIZN6dcsctp15ReassemblyQueueC1EN4absl11string_viewEN6webrtc11StrongAliasINS2_6TSNTagEjEEmbE3$_0NS_9allocatorISA_EEFvN3rtc9ArrayViewIKNS2_23UnwrappedSequenceNumberIS9_EELln4711EEENS2_13DcSctpMessageEEEE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZNSt31L19piecewise_constructE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZNSt31L19piecewise_constructE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZTVNSt3110function6funcIZN6dcsctp19RetransmissionQueueC1EN4absl11string_viewEPNS2_21DcSctpSocketCallbacksEN6webrtc11StrongAliasINS2_6TSNTagEjEEmRNS2_9SendQueueENS_8functionIFvNS2_10DurationMsEEEENSE_IFvvEEERNS2_5TimerERKNS2_13DcSctpOptionsEbbE3$_0NS_9allocatorISP_EEFbNS9_INS2_14IsUnorderedTagEbEENS9_INS2_11StreamIDTagEtEENS9_INS2_6MIDTagEjEEEEE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZTSNSt3110function6funcIZN6dcsctp19RetransmissionQueueC1EN4absl11string_viewEPNS2_21DcSctpSocketCallbacksEN6webrtc11StrongAliasINS2_6TSNTagEjEEmRNS2_9SendQueueENS_8functionIFvNS2_10DurationMsEEEENSE_IFvvEEERNS2_5TimerERKNS2_13DcSctpOptionsEbbE3$_0NS_9allocatorISP_EEFbNS9_INS2_14IsUnorderedTagEbEENS9_INS2_11StreamIDTagEtEENS9_INS2_6MIDTagEjEEEEE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZNSt31L19piecewise_constructE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_srtp_aes_gcm_openssl_alloc' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_srtp_aes_gcm_128_openssl_description' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_srtp_aes_gcm_test_case_0' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_srtp_aes_icm_openssl_alloc' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_srtp_aes_icm_128_openssl_description' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_srtp_aes_icm_128_test_case_0' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_srtp_aes_icm_128_test_case_0_nonce' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_srtp_null_cipher_alloc' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_srtp_null_cipher_description' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_srtp_hmac_alloc' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_srtp_hmac_description' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_srtp_hmac_test_case_0' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_srtp_null_auth_alloc' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_srtp_null_auth_description' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_srtp_err_report_handler' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_bit_string' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZTVN3rtc16RefCountedObjectIN6webrtc12_GLOBAL__N_132IceTransportWithTransportChannelEEE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZTSN3rtc16RefCountedObjectIN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_132IceTransportWithTransportChannelEEE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '__ZN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_111g_unique_idE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZZN6webrtc19RtpReceiverInternal16GenerateUniqueIdEvE11g_unique_id' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'MergedGlobals' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtcL15kDtmfTonesTableE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_121kDefaultAudioSenderIdE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'MergedGlobals' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_110kTransportE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtc12_GLOBAL__N_121kValidIceServiceTypesE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtc12_GLOBALN_115kProfileLevelIdE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '__ZN12_GLOBALN_126kFakeCodecFactoryCodecNameE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtc12_GLOBAL__N_125kVp8PostProcArmFieldTrialE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'MergedGlobals' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZTVN6webrtc12_GLOBAL__N_112LibvpxFacadeE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_bifilter4_coeff' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_abs_filters' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_qualify_inter_mb.ndx' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_dc_qlookup' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_once.lock' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'MergedGlobals' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_pred' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_once.lock' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_kBands' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_kCat3456' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_once.lock' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_initialize_dec.init_done' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_plane_rd_mult' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_once.lock' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_dct_value_tokens' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_vp8e_usage_cfg_map' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_vp9_iht16x16_256_add_neon.IHT_16' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_sub_pel_filters_8' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_vp9_setup_mask.shift_32_y' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_mv_ref_blocks' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_dc_qlookup' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_once.lock' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'MergedGlobals' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_once.lock' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_default_scan_4x4' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_seg_feature_data_max' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_mv_ref_blocks' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_once.lock' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_initialize_dec.init_done' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_inv_remap_prob.inv_map_table' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_VP9_VAR_OFFS' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_write_interp_filter.filter_to_literal' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_square' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_vp9_var_part_nnconfig_64' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_plane_rd_mult' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'MergedGlobals' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_once.lock' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_quantizer_to_qindex' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'MergedGlobals' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_vp9_set_rd_speed_thresholds_sub8x8.thresh_mult' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'MergedGlobals' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_band_counts' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_vp9_down2_symodd_half_filter' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_best_quality_mesh_pattern' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_remap_prob.map_table' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_update_bits' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_skin_threshold' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_once.lock' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_once.lock' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '_g_worker_interface' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'MergedGlobals' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol 'ZN6webrtc12_GLOBAL__N_111kFieldTrialE' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert symbol '__MergedGlobals' in the debug map. warning: (arm64) failed to insert

ster_onkar/Mediasoup/dependencies/libmediasoupclient/src/Consumer.cpp:3: In file included from /Users/onkar/Downloads/mediasoup-client-swift-master_onkar/Mediasoup/dependencies/libmediasoupclient/include/Consumer.hpp:5: In file included from /Users/onkar/Downloads/mediasoup-client-swift-master_onkar/Mediasoup/dependencies/webrtc/src/api/media_stream_interface.h:27: In file included from /Users/onkar/Downloads/mediasoup-client-swift-master_onkar/Mediasoup/dependencies/webrtc/src/api/video/recordable_encoded_frame.h:16: /Users/onkar/Downloads/mediasoup-client-swift-master_onkar/Mediasoup/dependencies/webrtc/src/api/units/timestamp.h:90:43: error: no member named 'IsPlusInfinity' in 'webrtc::TimeDelta' } else if (IsMinusInfinity() || delta.IsPlusInfinity()) {

fatal error: too many errors emitted, stopping now [-ferror-limit=]
4 warnings and 20 errors generated.
make[2]: *** [libmediasoupclient/CMakeFiles/mediasoupclient.dir/src/Consumer.cpp.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [libmediasoupclient/CMakeFiles/mediasoupclient.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
lets-swapcode commented 1 year ago

It is because Mediasoupclient and webrtc branch mentioned in the build.sh are not in sync it seems.

Able to build it by updating the mediasoupclient url in the build.sh

Steps - Open build.sh and find 'function refetchLibmediasoupclient()' and update the branch in the clone cmd.

Either use the latest - git clone -b v3 --depth 1 https://github.com/VLprojects/libmediasoupclient.git

or better use the exact compatible webrtc equivalent. As build.sh webrtc is pointed to M112 then use - git clone -b vl-m112.0 --depth 1 https://github.com/VLprojects/libmediasoupclient.git

And then run the build.sh in the terminal. It will work.

fedulvtubudul commented 1 year ago

Fixed in version 0.4.1, please check

07onkar07 commented 1 year ago
