VLprojects / mediasoup-client-swift

Swift wrapper for libmediasoupclient
MIT License
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./build.sh Failed When Cloning WebRTC #26

Open liuyang2211 opened 4 months ago

liuyang2211 commented 4 months ago

Refetch WebRTC? (f)ull clone | (r)eset local changes | (N)o: f Cloning WebRTC /Users/liuyang/Desktop/xxx/mediasoup-client-swift-master/Mediasoup/dependencies/depot_tools/vpython3: line 52: /Users/liuyang/Desktop/m112_vlm112.2/mediasoup-client-swift-master/Mediasoup/dependencies/depot_tools/.cipd_bin/vpython3: No such file or directory /Users/liuyang/Desktop/m112_vlm112.2/mediasoup-client-swift-master/Mediasoup/dependencies/depot_tools/vpython3: line 52: exec: /Users/liuyang/Desktop/m112_vlm112.2/mediasoup-client-swift-master/Mediasoup/dependencies/depot_tools/.cipd_bin/vpython3: cannot execute: No such file or directory

fedulvtubudul commented 4 months ago
  1. Do you have python 3 properly installed and configured? Try running python --version and post result here.

  2. When you run the build.sh for the first time, does it have any complaints during Depot Tools installation? What's on your console before the message you've posted?

liuyang2211 commented 4 months ago

1.python --version : liuyang@liuyangdeMacBook-Pro ~ % python --version Python 3.11.5

2.It is all my build.sh log : Last login: Tue Feb 27 09:19:16 on ttys013 liuyang@liuyangdeMacBook-Pro ~ % cd /Users/liuyang/Desktop/m112_vlm112.2/mediasoup-client-swift-master liuyang@liuyangdeMacBook-Pro mediasoup-client-swift-master % export https_proxy= http_proxy= all_proxy=socks5:// liuyang@liuyangdeMacBook-Pro mediasoup-client-swift-master % sudo ./build.sh Password: Sorry, try again. Password: PROJECT_DIR = /Users/liuyang/Desktop/m112_vlm112.2/mediasoup-client-swift-master WORK_DIR = /Users/liuyang/Desktop/m112_vlm112.2/mediasoup-client-swift-master/Mediasoup/dependencies BUILD_DIR = /Users/liuyang/Desktop/m112_vlm112.2/mediasoup-client-swift-master/build OUTPUT_DIR = /Users/liuyang/Desktop/m112_vlm112.2/mediasoup-client-swift-master/bin PATCHES_DIR = /Users/liuyang/Desktop/m112_vlm112.2/mediasoup-client-swift-master/patches WEBRTC_DIR = /Users/liuyang/Desktop/m112_vlm112.2/mediasoup-client-swift-master/Mediasoup/dependencies/webrtc/src Clear old build artifacts? (Y|n): y Removing dir /Users/liuyang/Desktop/m112_vlm112.2/mediasoup-client-swift-master/bin Removing dir /Users/liuyang/Desktop/m112_vlm112.2/mediasoup-client-swift-master/build OUTPUT_DIR created BUILD_DIR created libmediasoupclient is already on disk Refetch libmediasoupclient (y|N): y Cloning libmediasoupclient Cloning into 'libmediasoupclient'... remote: Enumerating objects: 563, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (563/563), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (483/483), done. remote: Total 563 (delta 68), reused 364 (delta 60), pack-reused 0 Receiving objects: 100% (563/563), 1.03 MiB | 122.00 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (68/68), done. Note: switching to '87f71dc3353cf6226525217d1490b4542fa22278'.

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git switch -c

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git switch -

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depot_tools is already on disk Refetch depot_tools (y|N): y Cloning depot_tools Cloning into 'depot_tools'... remote: Finding sources: 100% (743/743) remote: Total 743 (delta 128), reused 466 (delta 128) Receiving objects: 100% (743/743), 1.15 MiB | 242.00 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (128/128), done. WebRTC is already on disk Refetch WebRTC? (f)ull clone | (r)eset local changes | (N)o: f Cloning WebRTC /Users/liuyang/Desktop/m112_vlm112.2/mediasoup-client-swift-master/Mediasoup/dependencies/depot_tools/vpython3: line 52: /Users/liuyang/Desktop/m112_vlm112.2/mediasoup-client-swift-master/Mediasoup/dependencies/depot_tools/.cipd_bin/vpython3: No such file or directory /Users/liuyang/Desktop/m112_vlm112.2/mediasoup-client-swift-master/Mediasoup/dependencies/depot_tools/vpython3: line 52: exec: /Users/liuyang/Desktop/m112_vlm112.2/mediasoup-client-swift-master/Mediasoup/dependencies/depot_tools/.cipd_bin/vpython3: cannot execute: No such file or directory liuyang@liuyangdeMacBook-Pro mediasoup-client-swift-master %