Open Y0rk-code opened 5 years ago
Do you have security setup on repetier?On Jun 8, 2019 4:37 AM, Y0rk wrote:When entering the API key, Plugin shows: Checking the API key .... But nothing happens. Cura 4.1
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No, no security setup. When entering the API key the log shows:
2019-06-09 08:49:51,531 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration.DiscoverRepetierAction._onRequestFinished [348]: 2019-06-09 08:49:51,533 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration.DiscoverRepetierAction._onRequestFinished [349]: {'servername': 'Victoria-67', 'printers': [{'name': 'Anet A8 Plus', 'online': 1, 'slug': 'Anet_A8_Plus', 'active': True}], 'version': '0.91.2', 'apikey': '5053b99e-7f2c-4d99-95cb-b4547b2d166d', 'serveruuid': 'e0d86674-eec9-4737-9dea-735a31ed2fa3', 'name': 'Repetier-Server Free'} 2019-06-09 08:49:51,534 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration.DiscoverRepetierAction._onRequestFinished [355]: DiscoverRepetierAction: printers: 1 2019-06-09 08:49:51,535 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration.DiscoverRepetierAction._onRequestFinished [359]: Slug: Anet_A8_Plus
looks like it is working, did you slice anything?
Nope, can not connect. Connect button is grayed out, en text is: Checking the API key ...
Only thing that seems curious from your log is port 80. The default is 3344 unless you changed it on install.
It should go something like this:
It may be you need to hit enter on the API key entry. Seems that triggers it.
Thanks for the suggestions, but I have no luck yet :-(
I came here to say I have the same problem. Can confirm this is an issue.
check via your browser the make sure its right
In my case it is Also worth noting that cura makes it far enough to find the printers listed in Repetier Server when clicking on "Get printers". Side note: The instance name box doesn't allow for a name the same length as you may have for a printer. For example, I have a profile for my Prusa MK3, whose default name when adding to cura is "Original Prusa i3 MK3/MK3S" but I can only enter a name up to 20 characters long giving me "Original Prusa i3 MK" Not a big deal, but still. I've just checked on cura 4.0 and the problem persists. Is it possibly a naming issue? The name in repetier is "Prusa MK3" but the name retrieved with the get printers button is Prusa_MK3. Is the underscore an issue?
EDIT: After looking back at my settings, I now believe I made a mistake. I thought the get printers button was working, but I think I manually typed the name in at some point. when clicking on the edit button, the printer field is not actually filled out. My bad.
Edit2: Ok, I dug around in your source code and found the urls that you send requests to and have confirmed that retrieves my printers and returns.... well... this...
{"connection":{"connectionMethod":0,"ip":{"address":"","port":23},"lcdTimeMode":4,"pipe":{"file":""},"resetScript":"","serial":{"baudrate":115200,"communicationTimeout":3.0000000000000000,"device":"/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Prusa_Research__prusa3d.com__Original_Prusa_i3_MK3_CZPX2818X004XK73327-if00","dtr":0,"inputBufferSize":127,"malyanHack":false,"pingPong":false,"rts":0,"visibleWithoutRunning":false}},"extruders":[{"acceleration":120.00000000000000,"alias":"","changeFastDistance":20.000000000000000,"changeSlowDistance":20.000000000000000,"cooldownPerSecond":0.50000000000000000,"eJerk":30.000000000000000,"extrudeSpeed":2.0000000000000000,"filamentDiameter":1.7500000000000000,"heatupPerSecond":2.0000000000000000,"lastTemp":215,"maxSpeed":120.00000000000000,"maxTemp":260,"num":0,"offsetX":0.0000000000000000,"offsetY":0.0000000000000000,"retractSpeed":30.000000000000000,"tempMaster":0,"temperatures":[{"name":"ABS 245","temp":245},{"name":"PLA 210","temp":210},{"name":"PLA 195","temp":195}]}],"general":{"active":true,"defaultVolumetric":false,"eepromType":"marlin","firmwareName":"Marlin","heatedBed":true,"logHistory":true,"model":"","name":"Prusa_MK3","numFans":2,"pauseHandling":0,"pauseSeconds":120,"printerVariant":"cartesian","sdcard":true,"slug":"Prusa_MK3","softwarePower":true,"tempUpdateEvery":1,"useModelFromSlug":"","useOwnModelRepository":true},"heatedBeds":[{"alias":"","cooldownPerSecond":0.10000000000000001,"heatupPerSecond":0.10000000000000001,"lastTemp":60,"maxTemp":110,"temperatures":[]}],"heatedChambers":[],"movement":{"G10Distance":3.0000000000000000,"G10LongDistance":50.000000000000000,"G10Speed":50.000000000000000,"G10ZLift":0.0000000000000000,"G11ExtraDistance":0.0000000000000000,"G11ExtraLongDistance":0.0000000000000000,"G11Speed":50.000000000000000,"allEndstops":true,"defaultAcceleration":10000.000000000000,"defaultRetractAcceleration":4000.0000000000000,"defaultTravelAcceleration":10000.000000000000,"invertX":false,"invertY":false,"invertZ":false,"maxXYSpeed":100.00000000000000,"maxZSpeed":12.000000000000000,"movebuffer":16,"timeMultiplier":1.0000000000000000,"xEndstop":true,"xHome":0.0000000000000000,"xMax":200.00000000000000,"xMin":0.0000000000000000,"xyJerk":20.000000000000000,"xyPrintAcceleration":960.00000000000000,"xySpeed":100.00000000000000,"xyTravelAcceleration":960.00000000000000,"yEndstop":true,"yHome":0.0000000000000000,"yMax":200.00000000000000,"yMin":0.0000000000000000,"zEndstop":true,"zHome":0.0000000000000000,"zJerk":0.30000000000000004,"zMax":210.00000000000000,"zMin":0.0000000000000000,"zPrintAcceleration":200.00000000000000,"zSpeed":2.0000000000000000,"zTravelAcceleration":200.00000000000000},"properties":{},"quickCommands":[],"recover":{"delayBeforeReconnect":30,"enabled":false,"extraZOnFirmwareDetect":0.0000000000000000,"firmwarePowerlossSignal":"","maxTimeForAutocontinue":300,"procedure":"G28 X0 Y0","reactivateBedOnConnect":true,"replayExtruderSwitches":false,"runOnConnect":"G28 X0 Y0"},"shape":{"basicShape":{"color":"#dddddd","radius":100,"shape":"rectangle","x":0,"xMax":250.00000000000000,"xMin":0.0000000000000000,"y":0,"yMax":210.00000000000000,"yMin":0.0000000000000000},"gridColor":"#454545","gridSpacing":10.000000000000000,"marker":[]},"webcams":[]}
If my experience is anything to go by, this means that a network connection is likely never being established in the first place rather than getting a bad JSON string back. Could be something with Cura's network manager not playing nice with Windows. I wish I could be more help beyond this but... I'm not very good at python D-: Or qt to be honest. (If only this were java or an electron app, sigh)
I recently added an update to fix the drop down issue. I also added a document that gives a step by step to add a printer in repetier and cura here:
Start at the Cura part.
The underscore is correct. Its what repetier refers to as the "slug" that it uses for the web calls.
Also notice that the repetierID in the picture is empty. In the example it shows Marvin1
Its highlighted in blue indicating it is selected, followed by the next picture showing it as selected.
did this help at all?
I added a video to the read me
Updated the getprinters button. This was probably a big issue I never ran into since I hit enter instead of the OK button. It should pick it up now.
I have the same problem, i can browse to the url, security is set up and correct details entered in plugin. Can get printer list but get stuck on "Checking the API key..."
With some debuging I have seen the following:
If I put a workaround in the code (work_id =
But no: Print with Repetier button :-(
I have a different setup: In the example video a windows server is used, I use a Raspberry Pi with Repetier Server
I have the same issue. My url/ip/api is entered correct.
I stumbled upon something that will pull the key if you have security off.
Can I enable security again afterwards?
Something to check, make sure RepetierID is showing something before you put the API key in. If its empty then something didn't save your Printer selection under edit.
I posted an update that should pull the apikey if you don't have security turned on.
Also my main printer is on a raspberry pi so I've tested it on both windows and pi.
I think I found the issue. Make sure you click the get printers button so that it queries the instance and populates the dropdown. If that hasn't been done it will perpetually give that message. I'll adjust it shortly to fix.
Ok I changed it so that you must actually click a valid entry in the combo box after you get printers on the add manual dialog. This way it stores the repetierid properly.
RepetierId is not showing:
Log file:
-19 12:22:21,783 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration.DiscoverRepetierAction.getPrinterList [155]: getPrinterList: 2019-07-19 12:22:21,802 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration.DiscoverRepetierAction._onRequestFinished [344]: 2019-07-19 12:22:21,802 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration.DiscoverRepetierAction._onRequestFinished [349]: 2019-07-19 12:22:21,802 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration.DiscoverRepetierAction._onRequestFinished [350]: {'name': 'Repetier-Server Free', 'serveruuid': 'e0d86674-eec9-4737-9dea-735a31ed2fa3', 'version': '0.91.2', 'servername': 'Victoria-67', 'printers': [{'name': 'Marvin', 'active': True, 'slug': 'Marvin', 'online': 1}, {'name': 'AnetA8Plus', 'active': True, 'slug': 'AnetA8Plus1', 'online': 1}], 'apikey': '5053b99e-7f2c-4d99-95cb-b4547b2d166d'} 2019-07-19 12:22:21,803 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration.DiscoverRepetierAction._onRequestFinished [356]: DiscoverRepetierAction: printers: 2 2019-07-19 12:22:21,803 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration.DiscoverRepetierAction._onRequestFinished [360]: Slug: Marvin 2019-07-19 12:22:21,804 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration.DiscoverRepetierAction._onRequestFinished [360]: Slug: AnetA8Plus1 2019-07-19 12:22:21,804 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration.DiscoverRepetierAction._onRequestFinished [364]: DiscoverRepetierAction: apikey: 5053b99e-7f2c-4d99-95cb-b4547b2d166d 2019-07-19 12:22:24,591 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration.DiscoverRepetierAction.getPrinterList [155]: getPrinterList: 2019-07-19 12:22:24,611 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration.DiscoverRepetierAction._onRequestFinished [344]: 2019-07-19 12:22:24,611 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration.DiscoverRepetierAction._onRequestFinished [349]: 2019-07-19 12:22:24,612 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration.DiscoverRepetierAction._onRequestFinished [350]: {'name': 'Repetier-Server Free', 'serveruuid': 'e0d86674-eec9-4737-9dea-735a31ed2fa3', 'version': '0.91.2', 'servername': 'Victoria-67', 'printers': [{'name': 'Marvin', 'active': True, 'slug': 'Marvin', 'online': 1}, {'name': 'AnetA8Plus', 'active': True, 'slug': 'AnetA8Plus1', 'online': 1}], 'apikey': '5053b99e-7f2c-4d99-95cb-b4547b2d166d'} 2019-07-19 12:22:24,612 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration.DiscoverRepetierAction._onRequestFinished [356]: DiscoverRepetierAction: printers: 2 2019-07-19 12:22:24,613 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration.DiscoverRepetierAction._onRequestFinished [360]: Slug: Marvin 2019-07-19 12:22:24,613 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration.DiscoverRepetierAction._onRequestFinished [360]: Slug: AnetA8Plus1 2019-07-19 12:22:24,613 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration.DiscoverRepetierAction._onRequestFinished [364]: DiscoverRepetierAction: apikey: 5053b99e-7f2c-4d99-95cb-b4547b2d166d 2019-07-19 12:22:28,868 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration.RepetierOutputDevice.init [97]: Repetier_ID: AnetA8Plus1 2019-07-19 12:22:28,868 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration.RepetierOutputDevice.init [124]: NAME IS: AnetA8Plus 2019-07-19 12:22:28,869 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration.RepetierOutputDevice.init [125]: ADDRESS IS: 2019-07-19 12:22:28,881 - WARNING - [MainThread] cura.Settings.ContainerManager.getContainerMetaDataEntry [67]: Could not get metadata of container AnetA8Plus because it was not found. 2019-07-19 12:22:28,893 - WARNING - [MainThread] cura.Settings.ContainerManager.getContainerMetaDataEntry [67]: Could not get metadata of container AnetA8Plus because it was not found. 2019-07-19 12:22:28,894 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration.DiscoverRepetierAction.getPrinterList [155]: getPrinterList:http://http// 2019-07-19 12:22:29,726 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration.DiscoverRepetierAction._onRequestFinished [340]: Received no or empty reply 2019-07-19 12:22:30,387 - WARNING - [MainThread] cura.Settings.ContainerManager.getContainerMetaDataEntry [67]: Could not get metadata of container AnetA8Plus because it was not found. 2019-07-19 12:22:30,398 - WARNING - [MainThread] cura.Settings.ContainerManager.getContainerMetaDataEntry [67]: Could not get metadata of container AnetA8Plus because it was not found. 2019-07-19 12:22:30,399 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration.DiscoverRepetierAction.getPrinterList [155]: getPrinterList:http://http// 2019-07-19 12:22:31,224 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration.DiscoverRepetierAction._onRequestFinished [340]: Received no or empty reply 2019-07-19 12:22:32,740 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration.DiscoverRepetierAction.getPrinterList [155]: getPrinterList:http://http// 2019-07-19 12:22:33,566 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration.DiscoverRepetierAction._onRequestFinished [340]: Received no or empty reply 2019-07-19 12:22:38,875 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.AutoSave._onTimeout [56]: Autosaving preferences, instances and profiles
Notice the: getPrinterList:http://**http//****/**/printer/info
yeah it's odd. I'll look into that see why its doing that for you and not me.
its curious because at the top of the log, it is using the correct url, but at the bottom it isn't
Its like the cura config for the printer isn't there, so it can't save the information. this message here makes me think something is out of alignment: 2019-07-19 12:22:28,881 - WARNING - [MainThread] cura.Settings.ContainerManager.getContainerMetaDataEntry [67]: Could not get metadata of container AnetA8Plus because it was not found.
This would also prevent you from changing other settings in your printer, if you've been having problems with that. Check your %AppData%\cura\4.1\machine_instances folder.
If its not too difficult I'd just uninstall and reinstall cura and set the printer back up.
Reinstalled Cura,same problem :-(
Check your %AppData%\cura\4.1\machineinstances folder they're text files. open them in notepad see if you have a repetier anything in there.
[general] version = 4 name = AnetA8Plus id = Custom FFF printer
[metadata] repetier_id = AnetA8Plus1 group_id = 477af5c2-84da-49b0-83ae-fbe508c3cf7c type = machine repetier_api_key = 5053b99e-7f2c-4d99-95cb-b4547b2d166d setting_version = 7
[containers] 0 = Custom FFF printer_user 1 = empty_quality_changes 2 = normal 3 = empty_material 4 = empty_variant 5 = Custom FFF printer_settings 6 = custom
Its got the info correct. So it some other issue. I'll create a separate version with your name on it, for testing shortly.
Ok I just posted the change. It may have been some unneeded code doing something. So I commented out a small section.
2019-07-23 19:46:41,405 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration-YorickJanse.DiscoverRepetierAction.getPrinterList [155]: getPrinterList: 2019-07-23 19:46:41,427 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration-YorickJanse.DiscoverRepetierAction._onRequestFinished [345]: 2019-07-23 19:46:41,427 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration-YorickJanse.DiscoverRepetierAction._onRequestFinished [350]: 2019-07-23 19:46:41,427 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration-YorickJanse.DiscoverRepetierAction._onRequestFinished [351]: {'apikey': '5053b99e-7f2c-4d99-95cb-b4547b2d166d', 'name': 'Repetier-Server Free', 'servername': 'Victoria-67', 'serveruuid': 'e0d86674-eec9-4737-9dea-735a31ed2fa3', 'version': '0.91.2', 'printers': [{'name': 'Marvin', 'active': True, 'slug': 'Marvin', 'online': 1}, {'name': 'AnetA8Plus', 'active': True, 'slug': 'AnetA8Plus1', 'online': 0}]} 2019-07-23 19:46:41,428 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration-YorickJanse.DiscoverRepetierAction._onRequestFinished [357]: DiscoverRepetierAction: printers: 2 2019-07-23 19:46:41,428 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration-YorickJanse.DiscoverRepetierAction._onRequestFinished [361]: Slug: Marvin 2019-07-23 19:46:41,428 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration-YorickJanse.DiscoverRepetierAction._onRequestFinished [361]: Slug: AnetA8Plus1 2019-07-23 19:46:41,429 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration-YorickJanse.DiscoverRepetierAction._onRequestFinished [365]: DiscoverRepetierAction: apikey: 5053b99e-7f2c-4d99-95cb-b4547b2d166d 2019-07-23 19:46:44,862 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration-YorickJanse.DiscoverRepetierAction.getPrinterList [155]: getPrinterList: 2019-07-23 19:46:44,887 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration-YorickJanse.DiscoverRepetierAction._onRequestFinished [345]: 2019-07-23 19:46:44,888 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration-YorickJanse.DiscoverRepetierAction._onRequestFinished [350]: 2019-07-23 19:46:44,888 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration-YorickJanse.DiscoverRepetierAction._onRequestFinished [351]: {'apikey': '5053b99e-7f2c-4d99-95cb-b4547b2d166d', 'name': 'Repetier-Server Free', 'servername': 'Victoria-67', 'serveruuid': 'e0d86674-eec9-4737-9dea-735a31ed2fa3', 'version': '0.91.2', 'printers': [{'name': 'Marvin', 'active': True, 'slug': 'Marvin', 'online': 1}, {'name': 'AnetA8Plus', 'active': True, 'slug': 'AnetA8Plus1', 'online': 0}]} 2019-07-23 19:46:44,889 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration-YorickJanse.DiscoverRepetierAction._onRequestFinished [357]: DiscoverRepetierAction: printers: 2 2019-07-23 19:46:44,889 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration-YorickJanse.DiscoverRepetierAction._onRequestFinished [361]: Slug: Marvin 2019-07-23 19:46:44,889 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration-YorickJanse.DiscoverRepetierAction._onRequestFinished [361]: Slug: AnetA8Plus1 2019-07-23 19:46:44,890 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration-YorickJanse.DiscoverRepetierAction._onRequestFinished [365]: DiscoverRepetierAction: apikey: 5053b99e-7f2c-4d99-95cb-b4547b2d166d 2019-07-23 19:46:48,960 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration-YorickJanse.RepetierOutputDevice.init [97]: Repetier_ID: AnetA8Plus1 2019-07-23 19:46:48,961 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration-YorickJanse.RepetierOutputDevice.init [123]: NAME IS: AnetA8Plus 2019-07-23 19:46:48,961 - DEBUG - [MainThread] RepetierIntegration-YorickJanse.RepetierOutputDevice.init [124]: ADDRESS IS: 2019-07-23 19:46:48,974 - WARNING - [MainThread] cura.Settings.ContainerManager.getContainerMetaDataEntry [67]: Could not get metadata of container AnetA8Plus because it was not found. 2019-07-23 19:46:48,982 - WARNING - [MainThread] cura.Settings.ContainerManager.getContainerMetaDataEntry [67]: Could not get metadata of container AnetA8Plus because it was not found. 2019-07-23 19:46:50,573 - WARNING - [MainThread] cura.Settings.ContainerManager.getContainerMetaDataEntry [67]: Could not get metadata of container AnetA8Plus because it was not found. 2019-07-23 19:46:50,582 - WARNING - [MainThread] cura.Settings.ContainerManager.getContainerMetaDataEntry [67]: Could not get metadata of container AnetA8Plus because it was not found. 2019-07-23 19:46:58,965 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.AutoSave._onTimeout [56]: Autosaving preferences, instances and profiles
This a windows box? and is your machine name file in %AppData%\cura\4.1\machine_instances AnetA8Plus?
do you have any of these? RepetierIntegration.RepetierOutputDevice.connect
Found the problem! If you install Cura, and add a printer. The default name will be (The name input screen while doing setup is hard to see) When renaming the printer after setup, the name in the .cfg file is changed, the id is still 'Custom FFF printer' Somehow this does not work for the RepetierIntegration.
To fix the problem: Delete the Custom+fff+printer.cfg Start Cura. Setup will start again, and make sure you enter a printer name in the setup screen.
I suspect this might be a cura issue in general as research on it shows people having this same issue before I started. It may be worth escalating to ultimaker.
Thanks for the support, it is really nice to print directly from Cura without saving the file first :-)
Sure thing, are you still using the version I named for you, or the regular?
I'm using the version specially made for me
hi. in cura 4.3 is the same problem checking the API key ... and is not finishing.i changed the 80 with 3344 and nothing happens. to delete that file which you suggested for cura 4.1? where to find it?
problem SOLVED .
When entering the API key, Plugin shows: Checking the API key ....
But nothing happens.
Cura 4.1