VMois / miwaitway

Calculate average wait time on bus stops using GTFS real-time vehicle location and display it on a map
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Deploy Airflow on Google Cloud Compute #2

Closed VMois closed 3 months ago

VMois commented 3 months ago

Cloud Composer is quite expensive for personal use (around 200 per month at the minimum); therefore, it is better to deploy Airflow on a cheap Google Cloud compute instance, ideally under 15-20 dollars per month. Pricing for different machines can be found here.

e2-small (2vCPU, 2GB memory) costs around 13 dollars monthly. It should be enough for a local Airflow + a web server to host the dashboard. Around 30GB of storage space should be enough. So, in total, we are looking for 15 dollars per month. Not that bad.

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