VNG-Realisatie / field-lab

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As a KCC application I want to exchange 'Contacten' information, via NLX, with a data provider #77

Closed andyverberne closed 6 years ago

andyverberne commented 6 years ago

The e-Suite application has KCC functionality to manage 'Contacten'. A 'Contact' registers the fact that a citizen has contacted the municipality to obtain information. The e-Suite has both a frond-end web application and a data store to register the Contacts. However the architecture of the e-Suite is such that the frond-end web application and data store part are clearly separated with a service layer. As such the e-Suite is prepared to connect to a third party Contact data store as proposed by the Common Ground architecture. Goal of this User Story is to proof that it is possible that the e-Suite can obtain Contact information from the VNG-Realisatie zakenmagazijn service that is registered on the NLX directory.

andyverberne commented 6 years ago

The e-Suite application is modified to obtain the Contact information in the format as published by the VNG-Realisatie zakenmagazijn service. However the VNG-Realisatie zakenmagazijn service does not hold any Contact information. Therefore the Contact information is currently obtained from a Mock if the VNG-Realisatie zakenmagazijn service running on the local computer using SoapUI. We are waiting for the VNG-Realisatie zakenmagazijn service to be filled with Contact information so that we can test connection via NLX