I am testing on 22.04 with the package from https://test.pypi.org/project/dnp3-python/0.2.3b2/. Though I could probably use the src and use setup.py for installation....Is that correct?
It seems that I couldn't get that to work. In the developer section of the readme can you walk us through the commands to build the project from source? This is different than normal so I would like to see that in the readme.
It seems that I couldn't get that to work. In the developer section of the readme can you walk us through the commands to build the project from source? This is different than normal so I would like to see that in the readme.
We need to be able to cross compile this on different versions of python. the output currently is https://test-files.pythonhosted.org/packages/43/1a/bef57863dee2ffacf467fba8912933b1b37fb30d0bca4a9c33380d2903e2/dnp3_python-0.2.3b2-cp38-cp38-manylinux1_x86_64.whl explicitly python3.8
Originally posted by @craig8 in https://github.com/VOLTTRON/dnp3-python/pull/5#pullrequestreview-1236850722