VOLTTRON / volttron

VOLTTRON Distributed Control System Platform
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local vip pubsub publish hangs if platform not running. #1017

Open carlatpnl opened 7 years ago

carlatpnl commented 7 years ago

the local volttron platform must be running else these calls will hang: self.vip.pubsub.publish('pubsub', msgtopic, header, msg ) or self.vip.pubsub.publish('pubsub', msgtopic, header, msg ).get(timeout=2)

This can be inconvenient when doing local debugging which does not require the platform.

craig8 commented 7 years ago

@carlatpnl Can you describe when you say local debugging? Because not matter what when I am using an agent I have to connect to a platform instance in order to use it's services. Pubsub being one of those services.

I am curious if this may be related to #1018 in which there is a running through of an event.wait(timeout=5) rather than wrapping an if condition.

See https://github.com/craig8/volttron/commit/d6196a88f862f8667166fa610417bafadbc8faf3 for an example of how I should have dealt with this in the first place.

carlatpnl commented 7 years ago

by 'local debugging' I am referring to using Eclipse to step through code in an agent or driver after hitting a set breakpoint. In this particular case i was testing the formatting of a data structure my driver was sending to the 'C' daemon in controls. When I continue from my breakpoint, other parts of the driver eventually call the pubsub.publish mentioned earlier.