VOLTTRON / volttron

VOLTTRON Distributed Control System Platform
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forward historian sending device data even when configured to only send record data. #3147

Closed ntenney closed 7 months ago

ntenney commented 7 months ago

Describe the bug We have a forwarder configured to only send record data. That forwarder is sending device data when that is configured to not send.

To Reproduce

Use the following configuration (with modifications for the address of the VIP and the server key) on a forwardhistorian. Start the VIP and remote platforms and observed the data that is being sent to the VIP.

destination-serverkey : <server key> capture_analysis_data : false, capture_record_data : true, capture_device_data : false, capture_log_data : false, destination-vip : tcp://<VIP address>:<vip port>

Expected behavior

It is expected that ONLY record data is being sent to the VIP


Not a screenshot, but here is an entry in the log file of the VIP that was receiving from the forwarder with the config previously noted:

2023-12-01 00:00:00,051 (listeneragent-3.3 37251) main INFO: Peer: pubsub, Sender: bsf.2222.vc.forwarder.record:, Bus: , Topic: devices/PNNL/BSF_CSF/RTU3/FCU13159/all, Headers: {'Date': '20 23-12-01T08:03:26.839507+00:00', 'TimeStamp': '2023-12-01T08:03:26.839507+00:00', 'SynchronizedTimeStamp': '2023-12-01T08:03:00.000000+00:00', 'min_compatible_version': '3.0', 'max_compatible_v ersion': '', 'X-Forwarded': True, 'X-Forwarded-From': 'bsf.2222'}, Message: [{'OccupancyMode': 0, 'TerminalBoxFanStatus': 0, 'UnoccupiedCoolingTemperatureSetPoint': 76.0, 'UnoccupiedHeatingTemperatureSetPoint': 60.0, 'ZoneAirFlow': 103.0, 'ZoneAirFlowSetPoint': 0.0, 'ZoneChilledWaterValvePosition': 0.0, 'ZoneCoolingTemperatureSetPoint': 76.0, 'ZoneDischargeAirTemperature': 67.9000015258789, 'ZoneHeatingTemperatureSetPoint': 60.0, 'ZoneHotWaterValvePosition': 0.0, 'ZoneTemperature': 61.10000228881836}, {'OccupancyMode': {'type': 'float', 'tz': 'US/Pacific', 'units': 'Enum'}, 'TerminalBoxFanStatus': {'type': 'float', 'tz': 'US/Pacific', 'units': 'Enum'}, 'UnoccupiedCoolingTemperatureSetPoint': {'type': 'float', 'tz': 'US/Pacific', 'units': 'degreesFahrenheit'}, 'UnoccupiedHeatingTemperatureSetPoint': {'type': 'float', 'tz': 'US/Pacific', 'units': 'degreesFahrenheit'}, 'ZoneAirFlow': {'type': 'float', 'tz': 'US/Pacific', 'units': 'cubicFeetPerMinute'}, 'ZoneAirFlowSetPoint': {'type': 'float', 'tz': 'US/Pacific', 'units': 'cubicFeetPerMinute'}, 'ZoneChilledWaterValvePosition': {'type': 'float', 'tz': 'US/Pacific', 'units': 'percent'}, 'ZoneCoolingTemperatureSetPoint': {'type': 'float', 'tz': 'US/Pacific', 'units': 'degreesFahrenheit'}, 'ZoneDischargeAirTemperature': {'type': 'float', 'tz': 'US/Pacific', 'units': 'degreesFahrenheit'}, 'ZoneHeatingTemperatureSetPoint': {'type': 'float', 'tz': 'US/Pacific', 'units': 'degreesFahrenheit'}, 'ZoneHotWaterValvePosition': {'type': 'float', 'tz': 'US/Pacific', 'units': 'percent'}, 'ZoneTemperature': {'type': 'float', 'tz': 'US/Pacific', 'units': 'degreesFahrenheit'}}]

Operating System (please complete the following information):

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

ntenney commented 7 months ago

We discovered the error. The problem was a configuration issue. The config we were using had commas.

craig8 commented 6 months ago

Well that's good!