tx Admin recipe for VORPcore
Apache License 2.0
8 stars 25 forks source link

Loadout Basic Fix #25

Closed JustZerooo closed 11 months ago

JustZerooo commented 11 months ago

Basic MySQL.sql Fix

  `identifier` VARCHAR(50) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `steamname` VARCHAR(50) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `charidentifier` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `group` VARCHAR(10) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT 'user',
  `money` double(11,2) DEFAULT 0.00,
  `gold` double(11,2) DEFAULT 0.00,
  `rol` double(11,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00,
  `xp` int(11) DEFAULT 0,
  `healthouter` int(4) DEFAULT 500,
  `healthinner` int(4) DEFAULT 100,
  `staminaouter` int(4) DEFAULT 100,
  `staminainner` int(4) DEFAULT 100,
  `hours` float NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `LastLogin` date DEFAULT NULL,
  `inventory` longtext COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL,
  `job` VARCHAR(50) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT 'unemployed',
  `status` VARCHAR(140) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT '{}',
  `meta` VARCHAR(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}',
  `firstname` VARCHAR(50) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT ' ',
  `lastname` VARCHAR(50) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT ' ',
  `skinPlayer` longtext COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL,
  `compPlayer` longtext COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL,
  `jobgrade` int(11) DEFAULT 0,
  `coords` VARCHAR(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT '{}', 
  `isdead` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0,
  `clanid` int(11) DEFAULT 0,
  `trust` int(11) DEFAULT 0,
  `supporter` int(11) DEFAULT 0,
  `walk` VARCHAR(50) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT 'noanim',
  `crafting` VARCHAR(768) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT '{"medical":0,"blacksmith":0,"basic":0,"survival":0,"brewing":0,"food":0}',
  `info` VARCHAR(768) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT '{}',
  `gunsmith` double(11,2) DEFAULT 0.00,
  `ammo` VARCHAR(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT '{}',
  `clan` int(11) DEFAULT 0,
  `discordid` VARCHAR(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT '0',
  `lastjoined` VARCHAR(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT '[]',
  `motel` VARCHAR(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT '0',
  `moonshineenty` VARCHAR(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT '{}',
  UNIQUE KEY `identifier_charidentifier` (`identifier`,`charidentifier`) USING BTREE,
  KEY `charidentifier` (`charidentifier`) USING BTREE,
  KEY `clanid` (`clanid`),
  KEY `crafting` (`crafting`(768)),
  KEY `compPlayer` (`compPlayer`(768)),
  KEY `info` (`info`(768)),
  KEY `inventory` (`inventory`(768)),
  KEY `coords` (`coords`),
  KEY `money` (`money`),
  KEY `meta` (`meta`),
  KEY `steamname` (`steamname`),
  CONSTRAINT `FK_characters_users` FOREIGN KEY (`identifier`) REFERENCES `users` (`identifier`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE

SET NAMES utf8mb4;

CREATE TABLE `housing`  (
  `identifier` VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL,
  `charidentifier` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `inventory` longtext CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL,
  `furniture` longtext CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL,
  `open` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 34307 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = DYNAMIC;

CREATE TABLE `rooms`  (
  `interiorId` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `inventory` longtext CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL,
  `identifier` VARCHAR(60) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL,
  `charidentifier` int(11) NOT NULL,
) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 4 CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = Dynamic;


CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `character_inventories` (
  `character_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `inventory_type` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'default',
  `item_crafted_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `amount` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `created_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(),
  KEY `character_inventory_idx` (`character_id`,`inventory_type`)

  `doorinfo` VARCHAR(512) NOT NULL DEFAULT '[]',
  `job` VARCHAR(512) NOT NULL DEFAULT '[]',
  `item` VARCHAR(512) NOT NULL,
  `break` int(11) DEFAULT 0,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

  `identifier` VARCHAR(50) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL,
  `charidentifier` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `location` VARCHAR(50) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`identifier`) USING BTREE,
  UNIQUE KEY `identifier_charidentifier` (`identifier`,`charidentifier`) USING BTREE

  `identifier` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
  `charid` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `selected` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `model` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
  `name` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
  `components` VARCHAR(5000) NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}',
  `exp` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `items` VARCHAR(512) DEFAULT '{}',
  `sex` int(11) DEFAULT 0,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `FK_horses_characters` (`charid`),
  KEY `model` (`model`)

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `horse_complements` (
  `identifier` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
  `charidentifier` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `complements` longtext CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL,
  UNIQUE KEY `identifier` (`identifier`) USING BTREE

  `identifier` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `charidentifier` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `inventory` longtext DEFAULT NULL,
  `furniture` longtext DEFAULT NULL,
  `open` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,

  `item` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
  `label` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
  `limit` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
  `can_remove` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
 `type` VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT 'item_standard' COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci',
  `usable` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
  `metadata` VARCHAR(512) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT '{}' CHECK (json_valid(`metadata`)),
  `desc` VARCHAR(5550) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'nice item',
  UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`)

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `items_crafted` (
  `character_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `item_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `updated_at` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(),
  `metadata` VARCHAR(512) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL CHECK (json_valid(`metadata`)),
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `ID` (`id`),
  KEY `crafted_item_idx` (`character_id`)

  `identifier` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `name` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `characterid` VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `time` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `time_s` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'

  `identifier` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL COLLATE 'utf8mb4_bin',
  `charidentifier` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `ammo` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}',
  `components` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}',
  `dirtlevel` double DEFAULT 0,
  `mudlevel` double DEFAULT 0,
  `conditionlevel` double DEFAULT 0,
  `rustlevel` double DEFAULT 0,
  `used` tinyint(4) DEFAULT 0,
  `used2` tinyint(4) DEFAULT 0,
  `dropped` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `comps` VARCHAR(512) NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}',
  `serial_number` VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  `custom_label` VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT NULL,
   `custom_desc` VARCHAR(512) DEFAULT NULL,
  `curr_inv` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'default',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `id` (`id`)

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `mailbox_mails` (
  `sender_id` VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  `sender_firstname` VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  `sender_lastname` VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  `receiver_id` VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  `receiver_firstname` VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  `receiver_lastname` VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  `message` text DEFAULT NULL,
  `opened` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0,
  `received_at` datetime DEFAULT current_timestamp(),
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

  `identifier` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL,
  `charidentifier` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `title` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `comps` longtext DEFAULT NULL,

  `interiorId` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `inventory` longtext DEFAULT NULL,
  `identifier` VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL,
  `charidentifier` int(11) NOT NULL,

  `identifier` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
  `charidentifier` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `name` VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
  `modelname` VARCHAR(70) NOT NULL,
  `type` VARCHAR(11) NOT NULL,
  `status` longtext DEFAULT NULL,
  `xp` int(11) DEFAULT 0,
  `injured` int(11) DEFAULT 0,
  `gear` longtext DEFAULT NULL,
  `isDefault` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `inventory` longtext DEFAULT NULL,

  `identifier` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
  `charid` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `selected` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `model` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
  `name` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
  `items` VARCHAR(512) DEFAULT '{}',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `FK_horses_characters` (`charid`),
  KEY `model` (`model`)

  `identifier` VARCHAR(255) COLLATE latin1_general_cs DEFAULT '0',
  `charid` VARCHAR(255) COLLATE latin1_general_cs DEFAULT '0',
  `wagon` VARCHAR(255) COLLATE latin1_general_cs DEFAULT '0',
  `water` VARCHAR(255) COLLATE latin1_general_cs DEFAULT '0',
  `wagon_name` VARCHAR(50) COLLATE latin1_general_cs DEFAULT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_cs;

CREATE TABLE `whitelist` (
    `identifier` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL COLLATE 'utf8mb4_bin',
    `firstconnection` TINYINT(1) NULL DEFAULT '1',
    UNIQUE INDEX `identifier` (`identifier`) USING BTREE,
    CONSTRAINT `FK_characters_whitelist` FOREIGN KEY (`identifier`) REFERENCES `users` (`identifier`) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE


/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `items` DISABLE KEYS */;
INSERT INTO `items` (`item`, `label`, `limit`, `can_remove`, `type`, `usable`, `id`, `metadata`, `desc`) VALUES
    ('acid', 'Acid', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 1, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Agarita', 'Agarita', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 2, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Agarita_Seed', 'Agarita Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 3, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Alaskan_Ginseng', 'Alaskan Ginseng', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 4, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Alaskan_Ginseng_Seed', 'Alaskan Ginseng Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 5, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('alcohol', 'Alcohol', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 6, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('aligatormeat', 'Alligator Meat', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 568, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('aligators', 'Alligator pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 544, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('aligatorto', 'Alligator tooth', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 543, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('American_Ginseng', 'American Ginseng', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 7, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('American_Ginseng_Seed', 'American Ginseng Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 8, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammoarrownormal', 'Arrow Normal', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 9, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammoarrowdynamite', 'Arrow Dynamite', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 10, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammoarrowfire', 'Arrow Fire', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 11, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammoarrowimproved', 'Arrow Improved', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 12, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammoarrowpoison', 'Arrow Poison', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 13, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammoarrowsmallgame', 'Arrow Small Game', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 14, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammobolahawk', 'Bola Ammo Hawk', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 15, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammobolainterwired', 'Bola Ammo Interwired', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 16, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammobolaironspiked', 'Bola Ammo Ironspiked', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 17, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammobolla', 'Bolla Ammo', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 18, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammodynamite', 'Dynamite Ammo', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 19, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammoelephant', 'Elephant Rifle Ammo', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 20, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammoknives', 'Knives Ammo', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 21, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammomolotov', 'Molotov Ammo', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 22, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammopistolexplosive', 'Pistol Ammo Explosive', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 23, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammopistolexpress', 'Pistol Ammo Express', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 24, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammopistolnormal', 'Pistol Ammo Normal', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 25, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammopistolsplitpoint', 'Pistol Ammo Splitpoint', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 26, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammopistolvelocity', 'Pistol Ammo Velocity', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 27, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammopoisonbottle', 'Poison Bottle Ammo', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 28, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammorepeaterexplosive', 'Repeater Ammo Explosive', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 29, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammorepeaterexpress', 'Repeater Ammo Express', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 30, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammorepeaternormal', 'Repeater Ammo Normal', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 31, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammorepeatersplitpoint', 'Repeater Ammo Splitpoint', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 32, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammorepeatervelocity', 'Repeater Ammo Velocity', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 33, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammorevolverexplosive', 'Revolver Ammo Explosive', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 34, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammorevolverexpress', 'Revolver Ammo Express', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 35, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammorevolvernormal', 'Revolver Ammo Normal', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 36, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammorevolversplitpoint', 'Revolver Ammo Splitpoint', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 37, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammorevolvervelocity', 'Revolver Ammo Velocity', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 38, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammorifleexplosive', 'Rifle Ammo Explosive', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 39, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammorifleexpress', 'Rifle Ammo Express', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 40, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammoriflenormal', 'Rifle Ammo Normal', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 41, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammoriflesplitpoint', 'Rifle Ammo Splitpoint', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 42, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammoriflevelocity', 'Rifle Ammo Velocity', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 43, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammoshotgunexplosive', 'Shotgun Ammo Explosive', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 44, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammoshotgunincendiary', 'Shotgun Ammo Incendiary', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 45, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammoshotgunnormal', 'Shotgun Ammo Normal', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 46, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammoshotgunslug', 'Shotgun Ammo Slug', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 47, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammotomahawk', 'Tonmahawk Ammo', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 48, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammovarmint', 'Varmint Ammo', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 49, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammovarminttranq', 'Varmint Tranquilizer Ammo', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 50, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammovoldynamite', 'Volatile Dynamite Ammo', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 51, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ammovolmolotov', 'Volatile Molotov Ammo', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 52, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('antipoison', 'Antipoison', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 53, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('antipoison2', 'Anti Snake Poison', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 617, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('apple', 'Apple', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 54, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('applebarrel', 'Apple Barrel', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 762, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('applebasket', 'Apple Basket', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 763, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('appleCrumbMash', 'Minty Berry Mash', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 55, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('appleCrumbMoonshine', 'Minty Berry Moonshine', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 56, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('apple_barrel', 'Apple Barrel', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 634, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('apple_basket', 'Apple Basket', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 635, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Apple_Seed', 'Apple Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 727, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('armadilloc', 'Armadillo claws', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 449, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('armadillos', 'Armadillo pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 448, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('asnakes', 'Copperhead Snake pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 487, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('a_c_fishbluegil_01_ms', 'Medium Bluegil', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 57, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('a_c_fishbluegil_01_sm', 'Small Bluegil', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 58, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('a_c_fishbullheadcat_01_ms', 'Medium Bullhead', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 59, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('a_c_fishbullheadcat_01_sm', 'Small Bullhead', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 60, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('a_c_fishchainpickerel_01_ms', 'Medium Pickerel', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 61, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('a_c_fishchainpickerel_01_sm', 'Small Pickerel', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 62, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('a_c_fishlargemouthbass_01_ms', 'Lardgemouth Bass', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 63, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('a_c_fishperch_01_ms', 'Medium Perch', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 64, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('a_c_fishperch_01_sm', 'Small Perch', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 65, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('a_c_fishrainbowtrout_01_ms', 'Rainbow Trout', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 66, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('a_c_fishredfinpickerel_01_ms', 'Medium Redfin Pickerel', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 67, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('a_c_fishredfinpickerel_01_sm', 'Small Redfin Pickerel', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 68, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('a_c_fishrockbass_01_ms', 'Medium Rockbass', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 69, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('a_c_fishrockbass_01_sm', 'Small Rockbass', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 70, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('a_c_fishsalmonsockeye_01_ms', 'Sockeye Salmon', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 71, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('a_c_fishsmallmouthbass_01_ms', 'Smallmouth Bass', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 72, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('badgers', 'Badger skin', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 491, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('bait', 'Bait', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 73, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('banana', 'Banana', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 74, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('bandage', 'Bandage', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 75, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('barrel', 'Barrel', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 800, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('bat_c', 'Bat', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 420, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Bay_Bolete', 'Bay Bolete', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 76, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Bay_Bolete_Seed', 'Bay Bolete Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 77, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('bbears', 'Black Bear skin', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 452, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('bbirdb', 'Cormorant beak', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 528, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('bbirdf', 'Cormorant feather', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 527, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('bcandle', 'Bottle Candle', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 663, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('bearbench', 'Bear Bench', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 773, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('bearc', 'Bear claws', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 450, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('beart', 'Bear tooth', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 451, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('bear_bench', 'Bear Bench', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 645, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('beavertail', 'Beaver tail', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 542, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('beawers', 'Beaver pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 541, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('beef', 'Beef', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 567, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('beefjerky', 'Beef Jerky', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 78, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('beer', 'Beer', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 79, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('beerbox', 'Beer Box', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 586, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('bigchest', 'Big Chest', 1, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 658, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('biggame', 'Big Game Meat', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 565, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Big_Leather', 'Big Leather', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 80, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('bird', 'Bird Meat', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 569, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('bisonhorn', 'Bison horn', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 461, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('bisons', 'Bison pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 462, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Bitter_Weed', 'Bitter Weed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 81, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Bitter_Weed_Seed', 'Bitter Weed Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 82, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('blackberryale', 'Black Berry Ale', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 83, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Black_Berry', 'Black Berry', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 84, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Black_Berry_Seed', 'Black Berry Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 85, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Black_Currant', 'Black Currant', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 86, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Black_Currant_Seed', 'Black Currant Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 87, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('blanketbox', 'Blanket Box', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 760, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('blanket_box', 'Blanket Box', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 632, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Blood_Flower', 'Blood Flower', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 88, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Blood_Flower_Seed', 'Blood Flower Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 89, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('blueberry', 'Blueberry', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 90, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('bluejay_c', 'Blue jay', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 421, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('bmdresser', 'brown mirror dresser', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 652, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('boarmusk', 'Boar tusk', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 456, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('boars', 'Boar pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 457, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('boaskin', 'Boa Snake pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 486, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('boiledegg', 'Boiled Egg', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 91, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('boobyb', 'Red-footed booby beak', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 501, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('boobyf', 'Red-footed booby feather', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 500, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('book', 'Book', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 92, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('bountylicns', 'Bounty Hunter License', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 93, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('bouquet', 'Bouquet', 1, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 342, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('bparrotb', 'Parrot beak', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 522, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('bparrotf', 'Parrot feather', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 521, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('buckantler', 'Buck Antlers', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 459, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('bucks', 'Buck skin', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 460, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('bullhorn', 'Bull horn', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 463, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('bulls', 'Bull pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 464, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Bulrush', 'Bulrush', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 94, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Bulrush_Seed', 'Bulrush Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 95, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('bunkbed', 'bunk bed', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 665, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Burdock_Root', 'Burdock Root', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 96, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Burdock_Root_Seed', 'Burdock Root Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 97, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('butchertable1', 'Small Butcher Table', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 583, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('butchertable2', 'Medium Butcher Table', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 582, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('butchertable3', 'Large Butcher Table', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 581, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('bwdresser', 'brown wood dresser', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 651, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('camera', 'Camera', 1, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 346, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('campfire', 'Campfire', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 98, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('candlea', 'Candle', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 661, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('cane', 'Cane', 1, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 344, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('cardinal_c', 'Cardinal bird', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 422, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Cardinal_Flower', 'Cardinal Flower', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 99, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Cardinal_Flower_Seed', 'Cardinal Flower Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 100, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('carrots', 'Carrot', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 101, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('cedarwaxwing_c', 'Cedar waxwing', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 423, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Chanterelles', 'Chanterelles', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 102, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Chanterelles_Seed', 'Chanterelles Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 103, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('char', 'Char', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 104, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('chestc', 'Chest C', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 578, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('chewingtobacco', 'Chewing Tobacco', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 105, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('chickenf', 'Chicken feather', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 525, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('chickenheart', 'Chicken heart', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 526, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('chipmunk_c', 'Chipmunk', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 419, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Choc_Daisy', 'Choc Daisy', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 106, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Choc_Daisy_Seed', 'Choc Daisy Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 107, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('cigar', 'Cigar', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 108, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('cigarette', 'Cigarette', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 109, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('cigarettefilter', 'Cig Filter', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 110, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('cinematicket', 'Ticket', 2, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 351, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('clay', 'Clay', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 111, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('cleanser', 'Cleanser', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 340, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('clothbench', 'Cloth Bench', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 776, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('clothesline', 'Clothes Line', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 766, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('clothes_line', 'Clothes Line', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 638, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('cloth_bench', 'Cloth Bench', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 648, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('coal', 'Coal', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 112, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('cockc', 'Rooster claws', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 499, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('cockf', 'Rooster feather', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 498, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('cocoa', 'Cocoa', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 113, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('cocoaseeds', 'Cocoa Seeds', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 733, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('coffindecor', 'Coffin Decor', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 629, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('condenser', 'Condenser', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 816, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('condorb', 'Condor beak', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 480, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('condorf', 'Condor feather', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 479, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('consumable_bluegil', 'Dried Bluegil', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 114, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('consumable_breakfast', 'Breakfast', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 115, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('consumable_caramel', 'Caramel', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 116, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('consumable_chocolate', 'Chocolate Bar', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 117, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('consumable_coffee', 'Coffee', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 118, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('consumable_fruitsalad', 'Fruit Salad', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 119, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('consumable_game', 'Jerkied GameMeat', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 120, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('consumable_haycube', 'Haycube', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 121, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('consumable_herb_chanterelles', 'Chanterelles', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 122, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('consumable_herb_evergreen_huckleberry', 'Evergreen Huckleberry', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 123, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('consumable_herb_oregano', 'Oregano', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 124, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('consumable_herb_vanilla_flower', 'Vanilla Flower', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 125, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('consumable_herb_wintergreen_berry', 'Wintergreen Berry', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 126, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('consumable_kidneybeans_can', 'Kidney Beans', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 127, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('consumable_lock_breaker', 'Lock Breaker', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 128, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('consumable_meat_greavy', 'Meat Stew', 12, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 129, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('consumable_medicine', 'Medicine', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 130, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('consumable_peach', 'Peach', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 131, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('consumable_pear', 'Pear', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 132, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('consumable_raspberrywater', 'Berry Water', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 133, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('consumable_salmon', 'Dried Salmon', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 134, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('consumable_salmon_can', 'Salmon Can', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 135, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('consumable_trout', 'Cooked Trout', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 136, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('consumable_veggies', 'Edible Veggies', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 137, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('cookedbluegil', 'Cooked Bluegil with Veggies', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 138, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('copper', 'Copper', 30, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 139, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('corn', 'Corn', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 140, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('cornseed', 'Corn seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 141, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('cougarf', 'Cougar tooth', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 558, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('cougars', 'Cougar skin', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 557, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('cougartaxi', 'Cougar Taxidermy', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 771, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('cougar_taxidermy', 'Cougar Taxidermy', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 643, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('cowh', 'Cow horn', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 562, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('cows', 'Cow pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 561, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('coyotef', 'Coyote tooth', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 560, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('coyotepelt', 'Coyote Pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 759, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('coyotes', 'Coyote skin', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 559, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('coyotetaxi', 'Coyote Taxidermy', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 768, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('coyote_pelt', 'Coyote Pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 631, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('coyote_taxidermy', 'Coyote Taxidermy', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 640, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('crab_c', 'Crab', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 425, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('craftingfire', 'Crafting Fire', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 753, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('crafting_fire', 'Crafting Fire', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 625, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('crawfish_c', 'Crawfish', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 424, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Creeking_Thyme', 'Creeping Thyme', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 142, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Creeking_Thyme_Seed', 'Creeping Thyme Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 143, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Creekplum', 'Creekplum', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 144, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Creekplum_Seed', 'Creekplum Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 145, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Crows_Garlic', 'Crows Garlic', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 146, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Crows_Garlic_Seed', 'Crows Garlic Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 147, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('crow_c', 'Crow', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 426, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('darub', 'Crane beak', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 530, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('daruf', 'Crane feather', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 529, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('dbcandle', 'Dbl Candle', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 660, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('decortent1', 'Decor Tent 1 Set', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 600, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('decortent2', 'Decor Tent 2 Set', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 601, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('decortent3', 'Decor Tent 3 Set', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 602, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('deerheart', 'Deer heart', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 466, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('deerpelt', 'Deer Pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 758, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('deerskin', 'Deer skin', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 465, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('deertaxi', 'Deer Taxidermy', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 770, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('deer_pelt', 'Deer Pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 630, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('deer_taxidermy', 'Deer Taxidermy', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 642, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Desert_Sage', 'Desert Sage', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 148, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Desert_Sage_Seed', 'Desert Sage Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 149, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('diamond', 'Diamond', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 150, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('dleguans', 'Desert Iguana pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 551, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('dreamcatcher', 'Dream Catcher', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 591, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Drink_For_Dog', 'Pet Water', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 151, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('duckfat', 'Duck fat', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 467, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Duck_Egg', 'Duck Egg', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 152, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('dynamite', 'Pipe charge dynamite', 30, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 153, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('eaglef', 'Eagle feather', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 468, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('eaglet', 'Eagle claws', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 469, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('egg', 'Egg', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 796, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('eggs', 'Egg', 50, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 154, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('egretb', 'Snowy Egret beak', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 473, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('egretf', 'Snowy Egret feather', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 472, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('elkantler', 'Elk antler', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 474, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('elks', 'Vapiti pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 475, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('emerald', 'Emerald', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 155, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('English_Mace', 'English Mace', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 156, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('English_Mace_Seed', 'English Mace Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 157, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Evergreen_Huckleberry', 'Evergreen Huckleberry', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 158, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Evergreen_Huckleberry_Seed', 'Evergreen Huckleberry Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 159, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('fan', 'Fan', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 160, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('fancydouble', 'fancy double', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 667, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Fat', 'Animal Fat', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 161, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Feather', 'Feather', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 162, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Feed_For_Dog', 'Dog Food', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 163, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('fertilizer', 'Fertilizer', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 736, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('fertilizerbless', 'Blessed Fertilizer', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 738, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('fertilizeregg', 'Fertilizer with Eggs', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 737, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('fertilizerpro', 'Fertilizer with Produce', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 740, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('fertilizerpulpsap', 'Fertilizer with Pulp/Sap', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 741, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('fertilizersn', 'Fertilizer with Snake', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 742, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('fertilizersq', 'Fertilizer with Squirrel', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 743, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('fertilizersw', 'Fertilizer with Soft Wood', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 745, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('fertilizersyn', 'Synful Fertilizer', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 739, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('fertilizerwoj', 'Fertilizer with Wojape', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 744, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('fibers', 'Fibers', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 164, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('fish', 'Fish', 50, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 165, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('fishbait', 'Fishbait', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 166, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('fishchips', 'Fish and Chips', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 167, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('fishmeat', 'Bigfish Meat', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 572, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('flag', 'Camp Flag', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 168, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('flowerboxes', 'Flower Boxes', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 628, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('foodbarrel', 'Food Barrel', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 764, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('food_barrel', 'Food Barrel', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 636, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('foxskin', 'Foxskin', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 512, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('foxt', 'Fox tooth', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 513, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('friedtater', 'Fried Taters', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 169, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('frogbull2_c', 'Poisoned Frogbull', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 428, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('frogbull_c', 'Frogbull', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 427, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('fsnakes', 'Blacktail rattlesnake pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 488, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('game', 'Game Meat', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 570, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Gamey_Meat', 'Gamey Meat', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 170, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Gator_Egg_3', 'Aligator Egg 3', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 171, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Gator_Egg_4', 'Aligator Egg 4', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 172, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Gator_Egg_5', 'Aligator Egg 5', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 173, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('gbarrelx', 'Gun Barrel', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 761, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('gbears', 'Grizzly Bear skin', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 453, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ginsengtea', 'Ginseng Tea', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 174, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('glassbottle', 'Glass Bottle', 15, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 175, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('gleguans', 'Green Iguana pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 552, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('goathead', 'Goat head', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 556, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('goats', 'Goat pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 555, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('goldbar', 'GoldBar', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 176, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Golden_Currant', 'Golden Currant', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 177, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Golden_Currant_Seed', 'Golden Currant Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 178, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('goldfish', 'Gold Fish', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 179, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('goldpan', 'Gold pan', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 181, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('goldring', 'Gold Ring', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 182, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('gold_nugget', 'Gold nugget', 30, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 180, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('gooseb', 'Goose beak', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 532, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('goosef', 'Goose feather', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 531, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Goose_Egg_4', 'Goose Egg', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 183, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('guitar', 'Classic Guitar', 1, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 341, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('gun_barrel', 'Gun Barrel', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 633, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('gypsywagon', 'Gypsys Wagon Set', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 585, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('hairpomade', 'Hair Pomade', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 184, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('handcuffs', 'Handcuffs', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 185, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('hatchet', 'Hatchet', 1, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 186, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('hawkf', 'Hawk feather', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 535, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('hawkt', 'Hawk claws', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 536, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Health_For_Dog', 'Pet Bandages', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 187, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('hemp', 'Hemp', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 188, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('hemp_cig', 'Hemp Cigarette', 1, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 189, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('hemp_seed', 'Hemp Seed', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 615, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('herbal_medicine', 'Herbal Medicine', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 338, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('herbal_tonic', 'Herbal Tonic', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 339, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('herbmed', 'Herbal Remedy', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 190, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('heroin', 'Heroin', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 191, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('herptile', 'Herptile meat', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 573, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('hitchingpost', 'Hitching Post', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 580, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('hoe', 'Garden Hoe', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 679, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('honey', 'Honey', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 192, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('hop', 'Hop', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 685, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('hop_seed', 'Hop Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 684, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('horsebrush', 'Horse Brush', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 193, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('horsehitches', 'Horse Hitches Set', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 603, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('horsemeal', 'Horse ration', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 348, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Hummingbird_Sage', 'Hummingbird Sage', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 194, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Hummingbird_Sage_Seed', 'Hummingbird Sage Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 195, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('hwood', 'Hard Wood', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 196, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Indian_Tobbaco', 'Indian Tobbaco', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 197, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Indian_Tobbaco_Seed', 'Indian Tobbaco Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 198, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('iron', 'Iron Ore', 30, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 199, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ironbar', 'Iron Bar', 30, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 200, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ironextract', 'Iron Extract', 1, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 201, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ironhammer', 'Iron Hammer', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 202, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('kbirdb', 'Great Blue Heron beak', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 534, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('kbirdf', 'Great Blue Heron feather', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 533, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('kitchencounter', 'Kitchen Counter', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 611, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('kit_bandana', 'Bandana', 2, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 203, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('lamppost1', 'Lamp Post 1 Set', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 606, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('lamppost2', 'Lamp Post 2 Set', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 607, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('lanterna', 'Lantern', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 659, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('leather', 'Leather', 50, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 204, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('leatherchair', 'Leather Chair', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 748, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('leather_chair', 'Leather Chair', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 620, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legalbook', 'Legal Book', 1, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 892, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legaligators', 'Legendary Alligator pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 417, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legaligators1', 'Legendary Teca Alligator pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 400, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legaligators2', 'Legendary Sun Alligator pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 401, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legaligators3', 'Legendary Banded Alligator pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 402, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legalpaper', 'Legal Paper', 4, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 891, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legbears1', 'Legendary Deadly Bear pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 376, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legbears2', 'Legendary Owiza Bear pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 377, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legbears3', 'Legendary Ridgeback Spirit Bear pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 378, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legbears4', 'Legendary Golden Spirit Bear pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 379, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legbeavers1', 'Legendary Grey Beaver pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 397, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legbeavers2', 'Legendary White Beaver pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 398, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legbeavers3', 'Legendary Black Beaver pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 399, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legbeawers', 'Legendary Beaver pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 411, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legbisonhorn', 'Legendary Bison Horns', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 353, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legbisons', 'Legendary Bison pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 416, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legbisons1', 'Legendary Tatanka Bison pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 365, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legbisons2', 'Legendary Winyan Bison pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 366, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legbisons3', 'Legendary Payata Bison pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 367, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legbisonstak', 'Legendary Takanta Bison pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 415, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legboars', 'Legendary Boar pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 414, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legboars1', 'Legendary Cogi Boar pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 393, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legboars2', 'Legendary Wakpa Boar pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 394, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legboars3', 'Legendary Icahi Boar pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 395, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legboars4', 'Legendary Wildhog pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 396, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legbucks', 'Legendary Buck skin', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 410, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legbucks1', 'Legendary Buck pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 368, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legbucks2', 'Legendary Mudrunner Buck pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 369, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legbucks3', 'Legendary Snow Buck pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 370, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legbucks4', 'Legendary Shadow Buck pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 371, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legcougars', 'Legendary Cougar skin', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 409, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legcougars1', 'Legendary Iguga Cougar pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 389, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legcougars2', 'Legendary Maza Cougar pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 390, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legcougars3', 'Legendary Sapa Cougar pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 391, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legcougars4', 'Legendary Black Cougar pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 392, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legcoyotes', 'Legendary Coyote skin', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 408, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legcoyotes1', 'Legendary Red Streak Coyote pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 386, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legcoyotes2', 'Legendary Midnight Paw Coyote pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 387, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legcoyotes3', 'Legendary Milk Coyote pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 388, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legelkantler', 'Legendary Elk Antlers', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 355, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legelks', 'Legendary Elk pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 403, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legelks1', 'Legendary Katata Elk pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 362, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legelks2', 'Legendary Ozula Elk pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 363, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legelks3', 'Legendary Inahme Elk pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 364, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legendbuckantler', 'Legendary Buck Antlers', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 356, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legendsnakes', 'Legendary Boa pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 418, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legfoxs2', 'Legendary Marble Fox pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 360, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legfoxs3', 'Legendary Cross Fox pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 361, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legfoxskin', 'Legendary Fox skin', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 413, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('leggbears', 'Legendary Bear skin', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 404, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legmooseantler', 'Legendary Moose Antlers', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 352, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legmooses', 'Legendary Moose pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 405, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legmooses1', 'Legendary Snowflake Moose pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 357, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legmooses2', 'Legendary Knight Moose pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 358, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legmooses3', 'Legendary Rudy Moose pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 359, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legpanthers1', 'Legendary Nightwalker Panther pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 383, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legpanthers2', 'Legendary Ghost Panther pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 384, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legpanthers3', 'Legendary Iwakta Panther pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 385, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legprongs', 'Legendary Pronghorn skin', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 407, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legramhorn', 'Legendary Ram Horns', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 354, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legrams', 'Legendary Ram pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 412, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legrams1', 'Legendary Gabbro Horn Ram pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 372, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legrams2', 'Legendary Chalk Horn Ram pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 373, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legrams3', 'Legendary Rutile Horn Ram pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 374, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legrams4', 'Legendary GreatHorn Ram pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 375, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legwolfpelt', 'Legendary Wolf skin', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 406, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legwolfs1', 'Legendary Emerald Wolf pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 380, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legwolfs2', 'Legendary Onyx Wolf pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 381, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('legwolfs3', 'Legendary Moonstone Wolf pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 382, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('lizardl', 'Lizard foot', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 554, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('lizards', 'Lizard pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 553, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('lockpick', 'Lockpick', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 205, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('lockpickmold', 'Lockpick Mold', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 206, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('logbechs', 'Log Bench 2', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 775, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('logbench', 'Log Bench 1', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 774, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('log_bencha', 'Log Bench 1', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 646, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('log_benchb', 'Log Bench 2', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 647, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('loonb', 'Common loon beak', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 538, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('loonf', 'Common loon feather', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 537, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('loungechair', 'Lounge Chair', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 598, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('loungechair2', 'Lounge Chair 2', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 599, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('lumberaxe', 'Lumber Axe', 1, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 345, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('mackerel', 'Mackerel', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 207, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('marriagebook', 'Marriage Book', 1, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 894, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('marriagecertification', 'Marriage Certify', 2, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 895, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('mashalaskan', 'Alaskan Gin Mash', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 824, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('mashamerican', 'Alaskan Gin Mash', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 825, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('mashapple', 'Apple Mash', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 826, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('mashblackberry', 'Blackberry Mash', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 827, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('mashblackberry90p', 'Blackberry Mash 90p', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 828, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('mashpeach', 'Peach Mash', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 829, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('mashplum', 'Plum Mash', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 830, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('mashraspberry', 'Raspberry Mash', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 831, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('mashraspberry90p', 'Raspberry Mash 90p', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 832, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('mashstrong', 'Strong Mash Batch', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 833, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('meat', 'Meat', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 208, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('milk', 'Milk', 50, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 209, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Milk_Weed', 'Milk Weed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 210, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Milk_Weed_Seed', 'Milk Weed Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 211, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('moonshine', 'Moonshine', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 212, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('mooseantler', 'Moose Antlers', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 548, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('mooses', 'Moose pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 549, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('morpcert', 'Morphine Perscription', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 213, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('morphine', 'Morphine', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 214, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('mountainmen', 'Mountain Camp Set', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 608, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('mp001_p_mp_still02x', 'Brennerei', 1, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 215, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('muskrats', 'Muskrat skin', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 547, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Mutton', 'Mutton', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 216, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('nails', 'Nails', 40, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 217, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('nativebasket1', 'Native Basket 1', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 593, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('nativebasket2', 'Native Basket 2', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 594, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('nativedecor', 'Native Decor Set', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 584, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('nativepot', 'Native Pot', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 592, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('nativeskull', 'Native Decor 1', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 595, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('naturalwagon', 'Naturalists Wagon Set', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 605, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('newspaper', 'NewsPaper', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 218, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('nightstand', 'night stand', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 653, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('nitrite', 'Nitrite', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 219, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('nitroglyserolia', 'Nitroglycerol', 30, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 220, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('normaltable', 'Table', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 750, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('notebook', 'Notebook', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 221, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('obed', 'Old bed', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 664, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Oleander_Sage', 'Oleander Sage', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 222, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Oleander_Sage_Seed', 'Oleander Sage Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 223, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('opossumc', 'Opossum claws', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 515, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('opossums', 'Opossum skin', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 514, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('orden_presidente', 'Order of the President', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 224, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Oregano', 'Oregano', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 225, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Oregano_Seed', 'Oregano Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 226, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('oriole2_c', 'Hooded Oriole', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 430, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('oriole_c', 'Oriole', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 429, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('owlf', 'Owl feather', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 539, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('owlt', 'Owl claws', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 540, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('oxhorn', 'Angus Bull horn', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 545, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('oxs', 'Angus Bull pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 546, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('panthere', 'Panther eyes', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 564, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('panthers', 'Panther skin', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 563, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('paper', 'Paper', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 227, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('parasol', 'Parasol', 1, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 343, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Parasol_Mushroom', 'Parasol Mushroom', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 228, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Parasol_Mushroom_Seed', 'Parasol Mushroom Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 229, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('peachseeds', 'Peach Seeds', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 735, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('peasantb', 'Peasant beak', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 518, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('peasantf', 'Peasant feather', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 517, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('pecaris', 'Peccary pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 550, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('pelicanb', 'Pelican beak', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 520, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('pelicanf', 'Pelican feather', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 519, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('pen', 'Pen', 2, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 896, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('pheasant_taxidermy', 'Pheasant Taxidermy', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 641, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('phestaxi', 'Pheasant Taxidermy', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 769, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('pickaxe', 'Pickaxe', 1, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 230, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('pigeon_c', 'Pigeon', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 431, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('pigs', 'Pig pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 516, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('pipe', 'Pipe', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 231, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('pipecopper', 'Copper Pipe', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 835, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('planttrimmer', 'Plant Trimmer', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 678, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('pocket_watch', 'Pocket Watch', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 232, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('pokerset', 'Poker Table Set', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 579, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('pork', 'Pork', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 571, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('porkfat', 'Pig fat', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 458, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('pot', 'Distillery Pot', 1, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 836, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('pota', 'House Pot', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 626, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('potato', 'Potato', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 233, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('potatoseed', 'Potato Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 731, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('prairib', 'Prairi chicken beak', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 509, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Prairie_Poppy', 'Prairie Poppy', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 234, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Prairie_Poppy_Seed', 'Prairie Poppy Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 235, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('prairif', 'Prairi chicken feather', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 508, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('pronghornh', 'Pronghorn horn', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 511, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('prongs', 'Pronghorn skin', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 510, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('provision_jail_keys', 'Jail Keys', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 236, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('pulp', 'Pulp', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 237, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('p_baitBread01x', 'Bread Bait', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 838, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('p_barrelmoonshine', 'Barrel', 1, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 238, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('quailb', 'Quail beak', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 471, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('quailf', 'Quail feather', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 470, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('quartz', 'Quartz', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 239, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('rabbitpaw', 'Rabbitfoot', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 507, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('rabbits', 'Rabbitskin', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 506, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('raccoons', 'Raccoon skin', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 504, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('raccoont', 'Raccoon tooth', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 505, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('rajahdysoljy', 'Explosive Oil', 30, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 240, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ramhorn', 'Ram Horn', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 454, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('rams', 'Ram pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 455, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Rams_Head', 'Rams Head', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 241, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Rams_Head_Seed', 'Rams Head Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 242, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('raspberryale', 'Raspberry Ale', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 243, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('rat_c', 'Rat', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 432, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ravenc', 'Raven claws', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 502, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('ravenf', 'Raven feather', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 503, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('rectable', 'Rectangle Table', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 751, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('rectangle_table', 'Rectangle Table', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 623, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Red_Raspberry', 'Red Raspberry', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 244, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Red_Raspberry_Seed', 'Red Raspberry Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 245, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Red_Sage', 'Red Sage', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 246, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Red_Sage_Seed', 'Red Sage Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 247, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('repeaterbarrel', 'Repeater Barrel', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 248, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('repeatermold', 'Repeater Mold', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 249, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('repeaterreceiver', 'Repeater Receiver', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 250, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('repeaterrecmold', 'Repeater Receiver Mold', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 251, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('repeaterstock', 'Repeater Stock', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 252, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('revolverbarrel', 'Revolver Barrel', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 253, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('revolvercylinder', 'Revolver Cylinder', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 254, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('revolverhandle', 'Revolver Handle', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 255, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('revolvermold', 'Revolver Mold', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 256, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('riflebarrel', 'Rifle Barrel', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 257, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('riflemold', 'Rifle Mold', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 258, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('riflereceiver', 'Rifle Receiver', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 259, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('riflerecmold', 'Rifle Receiver Mold', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 260, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('riflestock', 'Rifle Stock', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 261, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('roach', 'Roach', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 262, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('robberyplanning', 'Robbery Planning Set', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 604, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('robin_c', 'Robin', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 433, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('rock', 'Rock', 30, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 263, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('rollingpaper', 'Rolling paper', 30, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 264, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('roundtable', 'Round Table', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 749, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('round_table', 'Round Table', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 621, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('rspoonb', 'Roseta Spoonbill beak', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 497, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('rspoonf', 'Roseta Spoonbill feather', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 496, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('rubber', 'Rubber', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 265, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('rubbertube', 'Rubber Tube', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 841, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('salamelle', 'Fresh Pork ', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 266, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('salmon', 'Salmon', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 267, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('salt', 'Salt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 268, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Saltbush', 'Saltbush', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 269, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Saltbush_Seed', 'Saltbush Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 270, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('sap', 'Sap', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 271, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('sarsaparilla', 'Sarsaparilla', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 272, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('scale', 'Scale', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 273, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('scentg', 'Scent glad', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 492, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('seagullb', 'Seagull beak', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 495, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('seagullf', 'Seagull feather', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 494, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('secondchance', 'Second Chance', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 274, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('sheephead', 'Sheep head', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 493, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('shellcasing', 'Shell Casing', 40, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 275, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('shootingtarget', 'Shooting Target', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 613, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('shotgunbarrel', 'Shotgun Barrel', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 276, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('shotgunmold', 'Shotgun Mold', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 277, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('shotgunstock', 'Shotgun Stock', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 278, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('shrimps', 'Shrimp Stew', 1, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 279, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('sidetable', 'side table 1', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 782, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('sidetablea', 'side table 2', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 783, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('sidetableb', 'side table 3', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 784, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('side_table', 'side table 1', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 654, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('side_tablea', 'side table 2', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 655, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('side_tableb', 'side table 3', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 656, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('singlebed', 'single bed', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 666, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('skullpost', 'Skull Post', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 597, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('smallchest', 'Small Chest', 1, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 657, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('smallmcandle', 'Small Melted Candle', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 662, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Small_Leather', 'Small Leather', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 280, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('SnakeSkin', 'Snake Skin', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 281, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('snaket', 'Snake tooth', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 490, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Snake_Poison', 'Snake Poison', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 282, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('soborno', 'Soborno Alcohol', 15, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 283, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('songbird2_c', 'Scarlet songbird', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 435, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('songbird_c', 'Songbird', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 434, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('sparrow0_c', 'Common Sparrow', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 436, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('sparrow1_c', 'Sparrow', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 437, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('sparrow2_c', 'Golden Sparrow', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 438, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('squirrel_black_c', 'Black Squirrel', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 441, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('squirrel_grey_c', 'Gray Squirrel', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 439, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('squirrel_red_c', 'Red Squirrel', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 440, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('standard_table', 'Table', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 622, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('standingtorch', 'Stading Torch', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 612, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('steak', 'Steak', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 284, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('steakveg', 'Steak with Veggies', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 285, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('stillkit', 'Still Kit', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 843, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('stim', 'Horse Stimulant', 2, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 286, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('stolenmerch', 'Stolen Items', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 287, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('stonehammer', 'Stone Hammer', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 288, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('stringy', 'Stringy meat', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 574, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('sugar', 'Sugar', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 289, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('sugarcaneseed', 'Surgarcane seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 290, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('sugarcube', 'Sugar Cube', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 347, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('sulfur', 'Sulfur', 30, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 291, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('syn', 'Syn', 50, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 292, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('synpackage', 'Syn Package', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 293, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('syringe', 'Syringe', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 294, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('syringecert', 'Syringe Cert', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 295, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('tent', 'Tent', 1, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 296, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('tent2', 'Trader Tent', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 588, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('tent3', 'Simple Tent', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 589, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('tent4', 'Canvas Shade', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 590, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('tequila', 'Tequila', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 297, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Texas_Bonnet', 'Texas Bonnet', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 298, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Texas_Bonnet_Seed', 'Texas Bonnet Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 299, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('timbertable', 'Timber Table', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 752, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('timber_table', 'Timber Table', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 624, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('tipi', 'Native Tipi', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 596, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('toaddesert_c', 'Desert Toad', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 444, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('toadpoison_c', 'Poisoned Toad', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 443, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('toad_c', 'Toad', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 442, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('token', 'Camp License', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 300, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('toolbarrel', 'Tool Barrel', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 767, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('tool_barrel', 'Tool Barrel', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 639, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('trainkey', 'Train Key', 1, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 301, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('trayoffood', 'Serving Table', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 614, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('tropicalPunchMash', 'Ginseng Mash', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 302, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('tropicalPunchMoonshine', 'Ginseng Moonshine', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 303, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('trout', 'Trout', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 304, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('turkeyb', 'Turkey beak', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 484, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('turkeyf', 'Turkey feather', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 483, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('TurtleShell', 'Turtle Shell', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 305, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('turtlet', 'Turtle tooth', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 482, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('tylenol', 'Tylenol', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 306, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('undertaker1', 'Coffin', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 609, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('undertaker2', 'Flower Coffin', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 610, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('unique_brad_horsesugar', 'Brad Horse Sugar', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 350, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('unique_horse_feed', 'Horse Feed', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 349, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('vanillaFlower', 'Vanille Flower', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 307, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('venison', 'Venison', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 566, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Violet_Snowdrop', 'Violet Snowdrop', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 308, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Violet_Snowdrop_Seed', 'Violet Snowdrop Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 309, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('vodka', 'Vodka', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 310, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Volture_Egg', 'Volture Egg', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 311, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('vulturetaxi', 'Vulture Taxidermy', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 772, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('vulture_taxidermy', 'Vulture Taxidermy', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 644, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('washtub', 'Wash Tub', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 637, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('water', 'Water', 15, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 312, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('waterbarrel', 'Water Barrel', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 587, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('wateringcan', 'Water Jug', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 313, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('wateringcan_dirtywater', 'Dirty Watering Jug', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 314, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('wateringcan_empty', 'Empty Watering Jug', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 315, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('waterpump', 'Water Pump', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 755, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('water_pump', 'Water Pump', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 627, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('whisky', 'Whisky', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 316, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('wickerbench', 'Wicker Bench', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 778, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('wicker_bench', 'Wicker Bench', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 650, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('wildCiderMash', 'Black Berry Mash', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 317, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('wildCiderMoonshine', 'Black Berry Moonshine', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 318, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Wild_Carrot', 'Wild Carrot', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 319, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Wild_Carrot_Seed', 'Wild Carrot Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 320, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Wild_Feverfew', 'Wild Feverfew', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 321, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Wild_Feverfew_Seed', 'Wild Feverfew Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 322, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Wild_Mint', 'Wild Mint', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 323, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Wild_Mint_Seed', 'Wild Mint Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 324, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Wild_Rhubarb', 'Wild Rhubarb', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 325, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Wild_Rhubarb_Seed', 'Wild Rhubarb Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 326, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('wine', 'Wine', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 327, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Wintergreen_Berry', 'Wintergreen Berry', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 328, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Wintergreen_Berry_Seed', 'Wintergreen Berry Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 329, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Wisteria', 'Wisteria', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 330, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Wisteria_Seed', 'Wisteria Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 331, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('wojape', 'Wojape', 5, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 332, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('wolfheart', 'Wolf heart', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 476, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('wolfpelt', 'Wolf skin', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 477, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('wolftooth', 'Wolf tooth', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 478, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('wood', 'Soft Wood', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 333, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('woodbench', 'Wooden Bench', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 777, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('woodchair', 'Wood Chair', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 747, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('wooden_bench', 'Wooden Bench', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 649, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('wooden_boards', 'Wooden Boards', 25, 1, 'item_standard', 0, 334, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('woodpeck01_c', 'Woodpecker', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 445, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('woodpeck02_c', 'Woodpecker 2', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 446, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('wood_chair', 'Wood Chair', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 619, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('wool', 'Wool', 50, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 335, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('wsnakes', 'Western rattlesnake pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 489, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('wsnakeskin', 'Watersnake pelt', 20, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 485, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Yarrow', 'Yarrow', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 336, '{}', 'nice item'),
    ('Yarrow_Seed', 'Yarrow Seed', 10, 1, 'item_standard', 1, 337, '{}', 'nice item');`
ALTER TABLE `loadout`
        ADD COLUMN `serial_number` VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `label`,
    ADD COLUMN `custom_label` VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `serial_number`,
    ADD COLUMN `custom_desc` VARCHAR(512) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `custom_label`;

Fixes :

[      script:oxmysql] Error: vorp_inventory was unable to execute a query!
[      script:oxmysql] Unknown column 'serial_number' in 'field list'
[      script:oxmysql] INSERT INTO loadout (identifier, charidentifier, name, ammo,components,comps,label,serial_number,custom_label,custom_desc) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?,?,?,?,?,?) ["steam:110000143a1c6cd",1,"WEAPON_MELEE_KNIFE","[]","[]","[]","Knife","1697426751-9623","Knife",null]
outsider31000 commented 11 months ago

whats wrong with this ?

``CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTSloadout( idint(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, identifierVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL COLLATE 'utf8mb4_bin', charidentifierint(11) DEFAULT NULL, namevarchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, ammovarchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}', componentsvarchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}', dirtleveldouble DEFAULT 0, mudleveldouble DEFAULT 0, conditionleveldouble DEFAULT 0, rustleveldouble DEFAULT 0, usedtinyint(4) DEFAULT 0, used2tinyint(4) DEFAULT 0, droppedint(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, compslongtext NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}', labelvarchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, curr_invvarchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'default', serial_numberVARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci', custom_labelVARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci', custom_descVARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci', PRIMARY KEY (id), KEYid(id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4

serial number column is there

note that this is for new servers that dont have `loadout` table as the sql says create if not exists. so if it does exist it wont add the changes.