Closed cocomonksky closed 4 months ago
Can you try the one from premade and see if the issues is fixed?
this is from an old character and the hair is there.
same thing with an old black character
I havent tested with new characters though.
i have not tested yet the premade, but i still use the version from 17th June.
@KadDarem this issue seems happen because of your pull request if you can please have a look or ill have to revert it. users say is when you create new characters
Hi @outsider31000
Can you send me the skin value from the DB ?
someone sent me this. @KadDarem
it was confirmed without your pr this doesn't happen.
Hi @outsider31000
Can you send me the skin value from the DB ?
here is another one as well that did the same thing changed skin of face from white to black after this PR so here is the data from another character doing it
```lua {"Belt":{"-634319003":{"index":8,"color":2,"palette":0,"tint2":0,"tint1":0,"tint0":0}},"Vest":{"-1801698361":{"palette":1064202495,"tint2":8,"tint1":26,"tint0":23}}} ```
```lua {"Gauntlets":-1,"NeckTies":-1,"Coat":-1,"RingRh":-1,"Loadouts":-1,"Spurs":-1,"bow":-1,"Vest":3576878867,"Buckle":-1,"teeth":-1,"armor":-1,"Suspender":-1,"Spats":-1,"Poncho":-1,"Dress":-1,"Mask":-1,"Badge":-1,"Bracelet":-1,"Accessories":-1,"Gunbelt":-1,"Glove":-1,"Cloak":-1,"Satchels":-1,"Pant":2147953136,"RingLh":-1,"Shirt":2185468631,"Chap":-1,"Teeth":-1,"Holster":-1,"GunbeltAccs":-1,"Belt":-1,"Armor":-1,"EyeWear":-1,"Skirt":-1,"Hat":3668674537,"NeckWear":-1,"CoatClosed":-1,"Boots":3244573491} ```
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I will check. The hash of body components are wrong. Head components has not the same than tone than body component. Example with your values @RealStonerGamer : The head is 1218683388 = CLOTHING_ITEM_M_HEAD_009_V_006 = tone number 6 and the body is 543187419 = CLOTHING_ITEM_M_BODIES_UPPER_000_V_001 = tone number 1. Before my PR, the hashes are wrong too, but due to the head texture was replaced by a default value, the issue was hidden by that.
Before my PR, the hashes are wrong too, but due to the head texture was replaced by a default value, the issue was hidden by that.
what you mean always wrong wrong in the DB skin table ??? then why was it never black face before lol ? i
mean i did see it blackface in the character selection screen a few time but figured it was a glitch
Because the script replaced the head texture by the "right" tone color. So your head component was black too but the script overwrited the skin color with the white color. But this process also removed the material and normal texture of the head. So your head texture had less detail and every head of the same tone used the same texutre.
It's not the case with the new way to apply head component. I don't overwrite the head tone because it's already the right tone. So the default texture of the component is keeped and also the material and normal texture = better design of the head.
Is it more understandable ?
Because the script replaced the head texture by the "right" tone color. So your head component was black too but the script overwrited the skin color with the white color. But this process also removed the material and normal texture of the head. So your head texture had less detail and every head of the same tone used the same texutre.
It's not the case with the new way to apply head component. I don't overwrite the head tone because it's already the right tone. So the default texture of the component is keeped and also the material and normal texture = better design of the head.
Is it more understandable ?
Unfortunately, this still does not address the main issue players are facing with character changes. Players designed their characters to look a specific way, but your PR has "fixed" the textures, causing confusion. I am unsure why these textures turned black in the first place, as they were originally white. Now, some players' characters appear white when they should be black. This affects hundreds of players on my server and thousands across all servers using this character system. Are you suggesting that all these players need to remake their characters and won't be able to use the faces or skins they had before?
This will cause a huge issue in the VORP community, as hundreds of servers use this script and will face problems with their old characters. I've also seen a few new characters report similar issues. Are you sure there is nothing wrong?
Are you sure there is nothing wrong?
Ofc it is. It was working before.
@KadDarem If you know what the issue is please make a pr to fix it. It needs to have backwards compatibility to support old characters, we can't obligate every player to redo their characters. Your pr also affects new characters is not only old.
It should be possible to fix the wrong head component by replace the hash if it's not the same tone than the torso.
For new characters, I will try to create a new one to test. Do you know the heritage setting to choose to have the issue ? (skin tone, head number).
It should be possible to fix the wrong head component by replace the hash if it's not the same tone than the torso
Note that in the images I shared it's not only the head that is wrong.
@DerHobbs @cocomonksky @RealStonerGamer can we get a video in how this is achieved ?
It should be possible to fix the wrong head component by replace the hash if it's not the same tone than the torso
Note that in the images I shared it's not only the head that is wrong.
@DerHobbs @cocomonksky @RealStonerGamer can we get a video in how this is achieved ?
I didn't edit the other body parts, only the head component. I don't think these one are from my PR.
Good idea, a video will be a very helpful resource to let me reproduce and fix the issue.
Note that in the images I shared it's not only the head that is wrong.
for me it was just the head that was reported and that changed
all we did was update the character script and then some heads color changed to black from white
@DerHobbs @cocomonksky @RealStonerGamer can we get a video in how this is achieved ?
there is not really anything i can make a video on to recreate the issue
It should be possible to fix the wrong head component by replace the hash if it's not the same tone than the torso.
if there is a way to fix the broken characters if you can make a video in how you go about fixing the wrong hashes and finding the right ones then we can try and get it fixed @cocomonksky
Note that in the images I shared it's not only the head that is wrong.
for me it was just the head that was reported and that changed
all we did was update the character script and then some heads color changed to black from white@DerHobbs @cocomonksky @RealStonerGamer can we get a video in how this is achieved ?
there is not really anything i can make a video on to recreate the issue
It should be possible to fix the wrong head component by replace the hash if it's not the same tone than the torso.
if there is a way to fix the broken characters if you can make a video in how you go about fixing the wrong hashes and finding the right ones then we can try and get it fixed @cocomonksky
You not need to do that by yourself. I will add a function to check and fix the head tone in the old character. I will do it after my holidays.
For the issue with new character created after the PR. I need to know how to reproduce the issue by getting the skin tone and head variation.
New created!
Yes but what options did you guys use to make this character? if you can list them here or make a small video. so that he can follow the same steps to find the issue.
Either way @KadDarem if you do not have time at the moment I can revert it, you can make a pull request again when you are back from holidays no need to rush and go enjoy your holidays.
It's just to stop people complaining about the issue.
But either way yall can use the latest release or premade, there it works. also does it look like this when you making your characters or when you do /rc ? @RealStonerGamer @DerHobbs @cocomonksky
it has been reverted for now, once the issue the is found make a pull rquest again. please see if the issue resolves with the new commit @DerHobbs @cocomonksky @RealStonerGamer
Hi... The Latest VORP Character makes The Overlay Hair dan The Eyebrows Gone After Relogin. Fresh Installed nothing changed
The Character From this
to These