VPNLirvine / trEYEcopa

Code for eyetracking the TriCOPA videos
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Debug ToT #57

Open brandonhackney opened 2 months ago

brandonhackney commented 2 months ago

timeOnTarget fails for subject 08 Q21 - see why.

Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 239.

Error in timeOnTarget (line 50) p.C1 = [ posDat(1).X(gaze(3,:)) ; posDat(1).Y(gaze(3,:)) ];

Error in selectMetric (line 215) output = timeOnTarget(edfDat, i+1, flipFlag);

Error in getTCData (line 66) eyetrack{t} = selectMetric(edf(t), metricName, opts);

Error in analysis (line 24) data = getTCData(metricName);

Also gives this warning after completing each subject:

Warning: The assignment added rows to the table, but did not assign values to all of the table's existing variables. Those variables are extended with rows containing default values. In . (line 485) In getTCData (line 84) In analysis (line 24)