VQAssessment / FAST-VQA-and-FasterVQA

[ECCV2022, TPAMI2023] FAST-VQA, and its extended version FasterVQA.
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'Upsample' warnings and video decode errors #14

Closed k-zha14 closed 2 years ago

k-zha14 commented 2 years ago

Hi, guys! Thank you for your work. My environment is: torch 1.10, torchvision 0.11. After runing 'python new_train.py -o options/fast/fast-b.yml' code, I meet these warnings and errors:

  1. UpSample warnings image

  2. Decode errors image image

Although the traing process seems still running, I wanna know whether these are normal cases or NOT. Thanks for your help

teowu commented 2 years ago

These are not affecting...sadly we also do not know how to mute both of them off... Some tips that might help: The first comes from torchvision and can be muted by py4j to set log level at error, but the second warning comes from ffmpeg and cannot be modified by us also...